Tonight's BANKBUSTER is a HeadHunter, £2.20 to enter.
Bit like a Bounty Hunter, but you get a £uid for EVERY £layer you bust, & you keep the whole £uid.
Starts at 7.30pm.
It is GUARANTEED at £1,000, so needs 500 £layers.
If it gets 750 players, the £rize £ool will be £OUBLED.
Late Reg is for 30 minutes.
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Just the 21 £layers so far.
The BANKBUSTER has run for 3 nights so far, & the score is 2-1 to the £layers.
On Monday, the £rize £ool was £OUBLED.
On Tuesday, the £rizepool fell between the Guarantee & the BANKBUSTER threshold, so that was a draw.
On Wednesday, the Tourney failed to make it's Guarantee.
There we go, up to 28 already.
6.25pm Update - 102 runners.
Needs 500 runners to hit the Guarantee.
Needs 750 runners to trigger BANKBUSTER.
The £layers win if it gets less than 500, or more than 750.
Now we are getting there. Ish.
6.40pm - 135 runners.
Count me in.
I reckon it will get about 450. What you reckon?
10 minutes to kick off, 263 runners.
Looks like the Players will take a 3-1 lead......
PS - Late Reg for 30 minutes.
It began with 360, but half hour of late reg yet. Can't see the BANKBUSTER £aying out, but the overlay might.....
In BHs 1/2 the prizepool is gone onto heads, which you can get some of but is obviously impossible to ever be in with a chance of getting the same amount you would in a FO... but here, because you are just getting the £1 and there's no rolling heads, the heads are still worth £1 on the FT for instance, so say there's 450 runners, that's £450 of heads, and you'd have to run pretty sick sick sick to get your hands on even £30-£40 of that, so you're kissing goodbye to nearly 50% of the prizepool straight away.
They are just experimenting throughout November, with different stuff aimed at the lower stakes. Some will work, some won't. None will meet with everyone's approval though!
All the cash remains in the Prize Pool one way or another, it's just that more players get something back.
Oooh, 530 runners now.....
It eventually got 554 runners. Not so bad, but no overlay, & no BANKBUSTER.
Try again tomorrow.....
12th out of 554 and you turn £2.20 into less than £10. That is what I think the problem is with 50% of the prizepool being over everyone's head.
Can't argue with a few hours fun for £2, but ROI wise, that's shocking for how many runners you beat.