With regards to notes that other players have made about me on the SkyPoker site - is it possible for me to access these?
It sort of feels like there is something within the world of Data Protection policy that may allow me to view information that is stored about me... and I'm a nosey bug-ger so would love to see what negative comments have been noted about me (given that I'm a massive fish), ideally with a view to utilising this criticism to help improve my game (to smaller fish) - or at least avoid sitting down with the people that have most obviously got my number!!
You wouldn't be able to make a request for information against Sky under the DPA, because it's not Sky that has made notes against you. You probably wouldn't be able to make a request against other players as individuals either and even if you could, it would cost you a tenner a pop.
If you're worried about your game, you'll get much better advice (or critisism) from posting in the clinic, than any player's notes against you.