The £1,000 Guaranteed £-stretcher is on again tonight at 7.30.
£1 to enter, unlimited rebuys, one add-on, no reg fees.
There may even be overlay too - there was last night, £44 worth.
Last night's Tourney may have been affected by the DTD Forum evening, as many players would already have been due to 3-table, but that won't happen tonight, so the G'tee might get broken.
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Last night there were......
467 entries
292 rebuys
197 add-ons
So it does not look like folks were chucking chips around, or going rebuy-crazy.
Prize money last night went down to 50th place (£5.50), with the winner taking home £250.
All aboard.
9 runners @ 1pm.
Deep deep joy, Dave............
At this stage yesterday there were 100 runners.
I'd best go-a-tweeting & find some customers.
It has 100 LESS runners than at this time yesterday.
Fill yer boots, here comes the overlayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Catching up now.
252 at this time yesterday, today.....
Not so bad - kicked off with about....
Late Reg is for 30 minutes.