im playing in the £2000 mini tonight, if i do not manage to cash i am going to except that poker is not for me and after 4years of playing quit forever..
ffs joker, well played the best i could with what i got. once again tho luck or lack of was my downfall. what can you do?? unreal its just an any 2 will do site now, people just call call call.
Hand with the 2 pair, you have 2 limpers in front of you. If you are gonna play the hand a raise more than likely gets rid of the 8,9 off(fishy limp or what?) UL tho Posted by SJspanky1
just the way it goes, i can only blame myself on that one.
If you are gonna play the hand a raise more than likely gets rid of the 8,9 off(fishy limp or what?)
UL tho