PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBUFCSmall blind 10.0010.001990.00g-masterBig blind 20.0030.002040.00 Your hole cardsJK Curt360x27Fold matisbackFold jordz16Fold smarrRaise 60.0090.001910.00BUFCCall 50.00140.001940.00g-masterCall 40.00180.002000.00Flop K5K BUFCBet 120.00300.001820.00g-masterCall 120.00420.001880.00
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flatting is not bad
You must raise to push away hands which are drawing.
pot is big enough already to manapilate on turn/river
There's a higher chance that oppo's have not a lot
problem with raising, you gotta think oppo is bad enough to call it off or think that one of them has a hand
the action pre and on flop for me - it's a clear flat
problem with flatting is SCARE CARDS !!
imo playing the streets is better for extracting some value
plus wouldn't min raise, raise a bit bigger
by raising your just crossing your fingers and hoping one of them has a worse K or prs they going to stack with or draws they are either going to call so u get value or go mad and raise you - play some pokers keep weaker/worse/bluffs in
your only worried about diamonds ) how difficult can it be
If one of them has a K, you going to find out on turn 4 sure