I have decided to start a diary.
Starting with £11.00*
Hoping to spin it up to a decent four figure sum by the end of 2013/early 2014 so i can go to Brazil to watch the World Cup. It will be tough but it is achievable.
How am i going to do it? cash, stts and mtts. Using all i have learnt from sky poker in the past 5 years.
Why am i doing it? I believe to become a better poker player i need to become diciplined and consistant by "keeping it simple" Just proper grinding but with agro BRM. My biggest demons are tilt and spew, these are going to be dealt with once and for all.
I do not intend to withdraw anything i win, just keep building is the plan, to get on the plane to Rio in 2014.
I will also update people on other stuff that happens inside this head of mine from time to time. Like today, i am coming to terms with the bubble of all bubbles- 11th out of 10552 players in the stars PCA package. top 10 got 17k holiday to the Bahamas, 11th got nothing. yup zip! I Was up till 4am last night, didnt get to bed till 5am, still went to work. Usually i would have finished 4958th or summit, but this time it felt different and i thought i was gonna bink a package. Wasn't to be but i'm not gonna beat myself up over it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this epic challenge as much as i will love/hate doing it
*might reload if necessary soon but to no more than £50.
Best of British m8 and commiserations for last night. Looking forward to following this.
JJ stole my thunder by asking who you plan on supporting in Brazil. The Germany bandwagon always has spare seats. Even extra wide ones.
And fwiw, I don't think you look Chinese either, considering you are roughly 7x the size of your average Chinese person loool!!
Yup its a long term thing... Im not so good at that sort of thing historically... But planning to push myself on this one!
Thanks mate
thanks for your best wishes
I am gonna start on the small sngs i think. Just had a brief session playing the 60p ones of various formats... 20% rake wtf! up 93p so far from a few games... this is gonna be hard lol
Ill worry about your other question when ive got £200 in this bankroll