The Online Lobby for SPT Luton has now been closed, to allow the names of those registered to be processed with the Venue.
It reached its Online Cap of 160 players this morning & will now be removed from the Lobby.
Around 30 seats will be on sale at the Venue, on the day, & these will be sold on a first come first served basis, just arrive early, & give your name to SPT Rich who will try & ensure you get a seat.
Even if you do not have a seat for the Main Event, there will be sideys on Friday evening & Saturday, & all are welcome to come along.
A camera crew from 861 will be present, & Lord Orford will be conducting interviews & generally fiffing & faffing around, as per.
There will be a Live Stream - technical glitches apart, we hope - & a commentary on the Live Stream throughout, with various Guest commentators, as well as a Live Update on the Community.
Hope to see some of you there, & if you have any questions, fire away, either here on the Community, or in person at the venue.
The whole idea of the SPT Events is that we just have a good time, & all of us will do our best to make sure you do.
If you are not a Member of G-Luton, you MUST bring ID, such as a Drivers Licence or Passport.
The normally somewhat strict dress code will be relaxed slightly, but please remember that the Venue has right to refuse entry to anyone they consider improperly dressed. (Arrangements have been made to make exceptions in the case of Hoggers & Thewy).
Adam plans to be there, to, as always, & will happily take questions & in some cases give demos on the various software developments currently in-train at Sky Poker.
Luton it is then. Don't be late.
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Wouldn't be an old chestnut if not true would it :-)...
I would have loved to be there, unfortunately didn't qualify and can't justify to the misses on spending the money it would take to get there and the buy-in..
Plus it snowed this morning in Luton....