If you enter a tournament through satellite and win the tournament entry to i.e. £5000 bounty hunter,then when you go to tournament page and press "cancel registration" do you receive £55?
you have to be already registered to the target tournament in order to take the satellite money. E.g. you register for the £55 bounty hunter yourself, and then play a satellite into the bounty hunter and win it, you will be given the cash equivalent, and then you can decide whether to deregister and take your £55 that you spent in the first place, or essentially freeroll it.
When you win your seat in the satellite you will be given the cash equivelent as you are already entered.
Then you can decide to de-register.
As Slykllist has said, if you win a seat through satellite and de-reg, you do not get the money back, but contact CC if you have done and they should put you back in.
If you win your seat via a satellite and then cancel registration, you will not be credited the entry fee.
If you buy in direct to the tournament and then subsequentkly win a satellite, you will win the cash equivelent instead of the seat.