Apologies if I've failed to use the search effeciently, did have a look but couldn't find an answer.
After reading a few diaries on here in November, I decided to use December for playing DYMs as a way to try and build my bankroll to a more appropriate level for NL10.
My inner nerd has forced me to keep a daily breakdown of stats to try and keep track of progress, especially to see if there is much difference in results depending on which buy-in I play (currently £2 and £3 only, but toying with adding £5 now I'm nearly at 50BI for that level).
I know the couple of hundred I've played to date can't be used as a significant sample size to drive just how lucky I've been during the first week - but what sort of volume would I need to play until to get a 'true' review of how I'm doing?
As a supplementary question, what sort of ROI% / win rate% (over and above breakeven) should I be seeing as 'acceptable' and 'good', in respect to judging whether I am doing well enough at the current level to make the step up?
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best of luck
Hope you don't mind but i checked your sharkscope.
12.2% is a fantastic start and although it is a small sample size i think it is enough to know that you can be a consistent winner at these games.
Maintaining that roi would be very tough but even if you halved it then you could be making really good money at these games.
Dym's are the main things i play on here and they really are all about volume.
Personally if i were you i would drop the £2 games right now. The rake is higher and you are beating the £3's so i would leave them.
I played with you in a few games the other night and you clearly know exactly what you are doing and so i believe you if you stick at them you'll do very well.
How many tables are you playing?
As i said i believe volume is key at these for a number of reasons.
Variance obviously - you will run bad at times
Also if you are looking to put in significant hours at these then you can get a decent amount back in C4P's
Good luck
P.s Flash put his post up as i was writing this. 11.6%!! is fantastic, i checked it the other night and that is the highest i've seen over a decent sample. I've played just over 4000 this year and i'm at 9.3% which i'm happy with. ( i'm very lucky )
The luck was certainly still evident for the first five minutes today, when this happened and I ended up with a nice double up + a bit...
I had been playing the £2s as I started off with a £100 bankroll and thought it was prudent to split half £2/half £3... plus figured they would be easier, but having played roughly equal games of each for the past 5 days, my £3 results have been better every day!
I flit between 6-8 tables... get quite a few games in during spare time but nothing like others on here ie nothing to make it worthy worrying about the C4P... but it'll be a nice bonus each month anyway
My ROI since May 2010 in DYMs is 16.9% over 664 games, before that I was a novice player and results were less impressive.
Note for Sharkscope subscribers; after making your filtered search click the statistics tab to get your true total ROI, you'll see it on the right hand side. This is more accurate that the average ROI which can be skewed by a small number of games at a particular buy-in.
Count: 664Av Profit:
Last Game Date: 07/12/2012 02:16Total Losing Days: 106Max Cashing Streak: 14Max Losing Streak: 6Max Winning Streak: 14Most Games / Day: 11PokerStars Tournament Leaderboard Points: 0Av % Field Beaten: