Can you tell what cards you are have an open ended....when there are more than 2 players in the hand? Playing live and it's kicking off....:) Posted by anonymous
I wasn't signed in so it came up as anon.............we played at Dtd in sky bh....guy was showing his cards everytime
Last to act but more action to be had on later streets = silence
Well not silence but certainly not any talk that gives any indication of cards held.
Hard to enforce though. Personally I'd call jabber players hand dead. And if he's out, well theres only so many times you can put forward a polite warning bud.
No certainly not. Nor make any gestures when flop comes down for instance. Some guys just want the attention. They get warned but not much seems to happen. In WSOP they can get a table ban for a period of time. There was even a rule to say that when in the hand you couldn't tell your opponent your hand in order to get a tell. Sounds mad eh? THAT'S POKER HA!!
Last to act but more action to be had on later streets = silence
Well not silence but certainly not any talk that gives any indication of cards held.
Hard to enforce though. Personally I'd call jabber players hand dead. And if he's out, well theres only so many times you can put forward a polite warning bud.
No certainly not. Nor make any gestures when flop comes down for instance. Some guys just want the attention. They get warned but not much seems to happen. In WSOP they can get a table ban for a period of time. There was even a rule to say that when in the hand you couldn't tell your opponent your hand in order to get a tell. Sounds mad eh? THAT'S POKER HA!!