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Master Cash Edition 3, Question TWO

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
edited November 2009 in Poker Chat

For the second of today's set-pieces, here's the coup.

Same e-addy -

6 handed, £Blinds £0.50 £1, we have £113 behind, Villain has £98 in play.

We have the BUTTON.

We have 6c 7d 

We make it £3 to go. BB Calls.

Flop = Kh 5h 9c

BB Checks, we bet £6. BB Calls.

Turn = 3d, so our board is now Kh, 5h, 9c, 3d

BB checks again.

Do we

a) Check

b) Bet £8

c) Bet £16

d) Bet £24

Vote now.


  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2009
    Right, well unless the bb is drawing to the flush, i guess im behind here to a weak king.

    I think i probably take a stab with a near enough potsize bet, that way im giving the wrong price for the draw and putting pressure on any weak king that the villain might be holding...

    It really depends on your opponant tho because against some players id rather check here.

    I voted bet £16, because i have straight outs too!:)  if all else should fail lol
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2009

    Im taking a free card here, almost certain hes after a heart. (he wouldnt check the king twice, unless he has a death wish) im up and down to the straight, and believe the three 6s and three 7's may also be good. I check, and use my 'thinking time' to plan a line of attack for the river, to figure out a way I can win the hand, if I can at all.

    If I river the straight, as long as it isnt a heart, I bet 8 tenths of the pot.
    If the river is a blank, I bet 8 tenths of the pot.
    If the river is a heart, Im finished, unless its the heart that makes my straight, in which case I pay the Value bet off just incase he shows a set of kings or something.
    If the river is a non heart 6 or 7, I check as I believe I am winning and a bet only gets snapped by a better hand.


  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2009
    I would check, twice the villain has called a bet so the chances are that any bet I make now is going to be called again and unless I hit the straight or the 6/7 on the river then the hand is over as far as I am concerned.
  • scrumdownscrumdown Member Posts: 1,609
    edited November 2009
    dont think hes got the king or he would have put a decent size bet in am putting on a flush draw so i would raise to 24 i have got 8 outs to my gut shot str8  betting for value so if i dont it on the river  no hearts comes i will bluff him off it
  • labrat64labrat64 Member Posts: 987
    edited November 2009
    Checking here. I've only got a gutshot and could be well behind at this stage. Any heart on the river and i'm out of there. No heart, and i'm bluffing it.
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2009
    i'm just checking here, not got much knowledge of my opponent at moment. He could be a call-station which gives me little manoueverability to bluff out.

    officially total donk now
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2009
    oh and im not too excited about chasing my double belly-buster cos it could only be 6 outs. If my straightening card comes a heart im needing a smoke
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2009
    I bet £16. The villan looks weak and is probably drawing to his flush. We know we are not winng at the moment and the only way to win is hit the 4 or 8 fo the straight. By betting £16 you take away his odds of calling on a flush draw and give yourself the extra chance of winning by him folding. If you check you show you are weak and if you miss the straight you have wasted £9 by only making 1 stab at winning the pot.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2009

    We have 6 outs to the nutz.  If we miss, and the river comes a blank such as a 2s, then it is possible he has missed his FD/SD so we bet anyway river.

    If we do hit our 6 outs we OVERBET massive.
  • namesb0ndnamesb0nd Member Posts: 402
    edited November 2009
    check,i'm done with the hand at this point as i have had no major clues so far as to what my opponent has.
  • sophiesmumsophiesmum Member Posts: 259
    edited November 2009
    Obviously some huge error in my play because I wouldn't have put in the initial bet, just like in question 1.  But you got to put him on the king and so I'd check.
  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2009
    Im another whos checking, Got my opponent on a weak king or flush draw but and id like to see a free card before commiting any more money
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited November 2009
    bet £16 and fire again on blank rivers. The turn is a good card to coninue betting but we still dont have many outs. We can make him fold better hands than ours though like a 9 or KT, possibly KJ to a triple barrel and obviously he will fold any missed draws which beat our hand.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited November 2009
    bet £16 and fire again on blank rivers. The turn is a good card to coninue betting but we still dont have many outs. We can make him fold better hands than ours though like a 9 or KT, possibly KJ to a triple barrel and obviously he will fold any missed draws which beat our hand.
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited November 2009
    I bet £16 hoping to take pot down as opponent is weak

  • SpringsSprings Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2009
    I'd be checking to fold if I miss on the river.

    We had a go on the flop and he wasn't having any of it.

    At the end of the day, we've got 7 high here, and there's no sense throwing good money after bad to try and win the hand. I'd check, see what the river brings and go from there.

    If we check and miss, then we've only lost £9, but if we bet another £16 here and get called, then miss the flop, are we going to bet again? If so, then we might lose about £50 on the hand with 7 high.
  • Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2009
    BUMP - So it's easy to find
  • COCASIRFCOCASIRF Member Posts: 439
    edited November 2009
    Tell Tikay it was called dubbing which you use to clean your
  • tgc100969tgc100969 Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Master Cash Edition 3, Question TWO:
    For the second of today's set-pieces, here's the coup. Same e-addy - 6 handed, £Blinds £0.50 £1, we have £113 behind, Villain has £98 in play. We have the BUTTON. We have 6c 7d  We make it £3 to go. BB Calls. Flop = Kh 5h 9c BB Checks, we bet £6. BB Calls. Turn = 3d, so our board is now Kh, 5h, 9c, 3d BB checks again. Do we a) Check b) Bet £8 c) Bet £16 d) Bet £24 Vote now.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Check and take a free card and hope to hit str8 on end. If you miss fold if he bets likely to be value betting the K. Bet pot on end if he checks especially if a none heart comes
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited November 2009
    I would definitely Bet, the reason being that is what TK said on the TV and it might make me look clever.
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