im not sure i was a bit stumbled by this too. i did not realise they finish increasing at 50/100, i guess i rarley have a game that goes on for longer.. Also about your Question. I was seeing who was playing befor i opened a game up, and i could see this game at level 7 and saw that both were afk lol. then realised it had gone on for a very long time lol
It would have ended when the site went down for maintenance last night. Awarding the win to one player or t'other wouldn't have been a conscious, considered decision.
It would have ended when the site went down for maintenance last night. Awarding the win to one player or t'other wouldn't have been a conscious, considered decision. Posted by BorinLoner
145 hours?
That can't be possible.
They really need to open up their raising ranges.
Is that right that blinds stop increasing after they reach 50/100 in hypers, or is that just a software glitch compounded by two offliners?