Good morning all!
So, we've given the homepage a bit of a paint job. It's taken us a while as a project and we could have happily spent another few months tweaking this and that. We've decided to let it loose to the world now, but I for one would appreciate your feedback on the design and some of the functionality.
One thing we are aware of is that the fonts on some promotion and community pages have been altered. We'll be looking to update these next. We're also firmly of the mentality that it's an evolving piece of work, with even more tweaks coming.
Anyway, enough from me. Let me know what you think, if you come across any issues and please keep it as honest and constructive as possible.
Thanks all, and good luck to you all at the tables.
keep up the good work SKY
Hi Dave
Home Forum Blogs My ProfileThese links are too small -
And the home page is far too big, i've never really been a scrolly kind of person but it may grow on me. I initially didn't realise that if I scrolled down the home page there was more info. Maybe i'm just a little lazey or just used to the old format.
Dave addressed that in his OP, though I think he inadvertently omitted the word "not"......
"....One thing we are aware of is that the fonts on some promotion and community pages have been altered. We'll be looking to update these next....."
It is a work in progress, & there will be tweaks, fiffs & faffs over the coming weeks.
I was specifically making the OP aware the size of the links as opposed to the size of the fonts on the website in general just incase there was any confusion.
Fonts are easily confused.................see example below
fonts plural of font (Noun)
The default text is all black now. I liked the nice, friendly grey that was used in the olden days (yesterday). It may sound like I'm being petty but this is a serious post. I genuinely preferred the grey. I'm not kidding. I'm really, really not.
Emoticons would be handy, too.
I'm very fussy, aren't I?
Shoot me now, Trev, please.
PS - You are, of course, completely right, & I am, of course, a complete idiot.
Did you know that "Steve Jobs" created some of the very first "Fonts" for the Mac PC. He was originally going to name them after stops on a Philadelphia Train Route, but decided to name them after his favourite Cities instead. So original fonts had the typographical character of Cities.
If only he had stuck to naming them after train stops hey?.................the world could be a different place
How many fonts would there have been on the Philadelphia Train Route and what would they have been called?
That, Trev, is quality trivia!
I have just finished reading a book about Mr Jobs, I think I have read 4 or 5 on him now.
Quite a character, & clever beyond belief, we can but be in awe of such lateral thinking combined with a stratospheric IQ. He was not, however, quite the Mr Nice Guy so many imagined him to be.
Still in awe of him though.
Anyway, back to the Home Page redesign, fonts & all.
Some of the text is too small for me to read
Style not so much!
so yes FONT Trev
Change is as good as a rest m8.........I wouldn't even mind change in colour bakground but probably infringes on SKY colours somewhere. I tend to agreewith it does seem a bit blocky but we noticed so at least it had an affect. It would be worse if no one noticed.
My sky hd set up has changed and is better for it except that to get catch up i've got to connect tv with my modem in hallway...another wire trailing thro' house.