PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteveuk666Small blind 75.0075.004627.50tomred64Big blind 150.00225.001982.50 Your hole cardsJ7 MCHUGH2012Fold 24754755Fold steveuk666Call 75.00300.004552.50tomred64Check Flop QAJ steveuk666Check tomred64Check Turn K steveuk666Check tomred64Check River 10 steveuk666Check tomred64Check steveuk666Show69 tomred64ShowJ7 tomred64WinRoyal Flush300.00 2282.50My first royal flush on sky and i didnt bet cause i knew every one would fold, but wanted all at the table to see it.
Sky if you guys read this maybe a place in santas grotto as a small reward for getting the daddy of all hands for me and all who hit the same....
hello all out there and good luck on the tables....
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go to options on your table, de select hide winning hands, bet trying to get a call, then if everyone folds you can show the table your hand.
nh but cant believe you checked it down
Ah well next time