if one person can change their alias then everyone will want to do it. If sky allowed one person to do it that'd be unfair to other people who want to do it, it'd also be unfair on their opponents because with the new alias you'd have info on all other players and they wouldn't not who you are. It's not going to happen - I wouldn't even bother asking customer care
I think there will be one player registered in the £10K primo tonight that will be getting a name change soon!7 Doubt his table will be on TV ;-) Posted by Boxster
Cue everyone switching on 861 to see what happens. ( well me anyway)
I think there will be one player registered in the £10K primo tonight that will be getting a name change soon!7 Doubt his table will be on TV ;-) Posted by Boxster
Best name i ever saw was drew peacock.
Also had a m8 who played as rear naked( apparently a wrestling move) yeh right.
TY m8