I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire three streets or only two?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is AA suited, the most powerful hand in the world, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, yoyo?
Contrary to popular belief, this exclusive photo proves Richard is playing with a full deck! He also passed a dope test! supporting WBA was a big give away!
Carlo called in exactly right on my 10 10 hand. When I was min raised I put the other player on a higher pair and should have folded pre-flop. When he went all in I didn't call as I thought that I was beat, which confirms Carlo's coment.
Hi Rich the banter between you and Carlo tonight has been excellent.I have a hand which i would like Richard the king of the hand predictions to guess what my opponent had,get over it Carlo, Rich is the man.
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire three streets or only two?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is AA suited, the most powerful hand in the world, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, yoyo?
Contrary to popular belief, this exclusive photo proves Richard is playing with a full deck!
He also passed a dope test! supporting WBA was a big give away!
hi rich, carlo.
jackpot people tonight are...
Tonights Tv forum leg one @20.31
Hand id 599251398