At the moment on Sky there is no Tv table for the Cash microstakes players,i fully understand that the excitement and good viewing is at the higher end of the range.Personally i always watch Top of the pots and find it a great show.
However there are a couple of reasons why i would think it a good idea to have at least one Tv table for the microstakes.The players at the lower levels myself included are generally the players who have the most to learn and would benefit from seeing hands analysed on the show.
There is also the unique factor of Sky Poker showing the hands on Tv and i feel that this could be an attraction which would entice new players to join the site.
Just my thoughts on this and i would be interested in what other people think.
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I know some hands at 4NL would be a nightmare to analyse on 861 but they could mostly just have it as hand that people specifically post in for the show and they're gonna look at them first anyway to make sure they aint just stupid
"We'll this guy has limped UTG with J6s... what do you make of that Scotty?"
"I don't like it. But we havn't seen the dynamic at the table."
BTN makes it 40p with AK,
"obviously he should fold but let's see what he actually does..."
UTG calls and flop comes K62r
"Right TK, what do you make of this 4p bet from UTG?"
and so on and so on for no reason.
There's nothing much to analyse. Once you have said "don't open limp pre", "bet top pair untill you get raised, then fold" and "don't bluff, you have almost no fold equity at these stakes" that is pretty much all there is to say.
It's far less interesting to talk about play through the streets when you know that the likely reasons for each action are that the players don't really understand too much about the game. It also has to be said that most of the good players at the lower limits will be playing a straight, tight ABC game. Even if you get a hand without limping and without bizarre bets through the streets, it's probably just going to be a cooler between two of those tight, ABC players. - Not very interesting.
FCHD - Usually those differences in commentary are quite fair. Not just because the players at higher levels are generally better but also because they recognise which boards are good to float, raise as a bluff, raise for thin-value, etc. and at lower levels they just don't. The same move can be good on one board and terrible on another, or great against one player but terrible against another.
Of course there are weak players at higher levels, just not as many.
In the past I supported the idea of having micro stakes TV tables. I've changed my opinion since playing a few hands at those levels and the thought of these stakes being a regular feature of the shows doesn't give me pleasant, tingly feelings.
For the sake of the occasional Sky Poker School show on micro stakes, I think they could have a TV table at that level. Such a table would only need to be a temporary fixture in the few days before the show for which it's intended, though. I would not see any problem with a one hour show, every few months, being taken up by NL4 "action".
Even so, the setting up of a 2p-4p TV table does not mean they have to show any of it, but it does mean that low stakes players can ask for the hands from that table to be featured on Poker Clinic for example.
I have no problem in principle with hands being shown from micro stakes. I just don't like the idea of them appearing frequently, especially if they'd take up time on the clinic that could be used for better things.
The Poker Clinic as it is does have problems with hand request volume. I don't think this would be a good remedy for those problems, though.
Yes, you do see the odd poor play but a large majority of TOTP hands involve plays that would be a good idea which could work if the hands and circumstances were different. Someone can run a very good, intricate bluff that would be brilliant if their opponent doesn't have the nuts. The times when their opponent does have the nuts, they look stupid... but you don't see the times those bluffs get through because the pot doesn't get big enough to make the show.
Until you've seen the situation, you don't knpw whether the play at a particular 2p-4p hand is going to be more or less interesting than a hand at £2.50-£5.
I take it you play at medium-high stakes and you're alright Jack,
Those "better things" will be analysis that doesn't nearly always start with "Don't limp" or "Just bet your hand for value" as was mentioned in jugglegeek's post. The reason this will almost always be the advice is because that's almost always the way to play well at micro stakes levels. The thought of having several low stakes hands take up one of the few hours of the shows that are open to hand requests is not something that I like.
Now, to address your point of being offensive: I don't think a blind level can be offended. I think if I had said "You are a low stakes player and therefore stupid/bad/dull", then you would have a point. I did not say any such thing. However the play at those levels is dull, frequently bad and the players are generally not highly skilled. (I don't think lacking poker skill makes anyone stupid)
For what it's worth, I rarely play at any level. When I do play, it's usually MTT's or SNG's, not cash. Does that make my opinion less legitimate, more legitimate or does it make no difference?
It's 6 points per £1 of rake regardless of whether you pay your £1 rake @ 4NL or 1000NL
So for every £1000 you put in at NL4, you pay £75 in rake and get 450 points.
At NL100 that £1000 only sees £50 raked and 300 points.