I have just been knocked out of £20 BH again with best starting hand holding Pkt 7's a 7 and a 9 on the flop there is a bet and a reraise I push allin with trip 7s called by 9-7 off 2pair, he hits the 9 on the river. This is just the latest it happens so often that the odds dont match. What is going on?!!! I understand we all get bad beats it is part of the game but small pairs always seem to outdraw the bigger pairs ie 10's Against Jacks 4's Against AA. it is incredible the amount of times the odds are defeated. In the super roller the other week i was holding AA 4 bet all in and was called by AK suited, you can guess the result flush on the river. It has become so disheartening I am ready to quit. The internet game anyway, live poker gives its bad beats, but on here it just seems to be the norm. I ve got to the point where i dont want to play big hands or get others exactly where i want them ie calling my AA with JJ or 55 cause I know they are going to hit even A3 hits the straight,Come on SKY its getting silly.
Mr Chance,
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