I just played a DYM in which one player (i have their alias's but won't put them on here) told another player to shove on him so he could double him up as he was a short stack. they said this in the chat box and had been talking for the entire game and knew each other well.. surely this is a break of the rules and against the ethics of the game, i feel i should do something about this. as i feel the 4th placed player has been conned out of their money... what is the best means of action for this?? or is this allowed???
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Unfortunately what beaneh says is true, DYMs are ripe for collusion. I don't think it's particularly common here on Sky but all players should watch out for the tell tale signs. Once someone is onto the culprits and reports their suspicions the colluders are soon exposed and the site will take appropriate action. If in doubt report, if they're doing nothing wrong they'll soon be cleared and will be unaware of your suspicions.
Savvy Sharkscope subscribers can use filters to quickly establish if the suspects play together in DYMs frequently, it's a big red flag if they do (high volume regs excepted).
In 2010 PokerStars permanently scrapped the DYM format and refunded over $2million to affected after uncovering a large gang of Chinese colluders operating on their site.
Report them and let Customer Services deal with it.
They are after all innocent until proven guilty.
If the same two players play frequent pots against each other but never go to showdown and the shorter stack always seems to win it should set off a red flag. If they live in the same town that's another red flag.
If you're suspicious there's no point starting a chatbox argument, just report the players concerned to CC and let them do their job. Firstly it would be very embarrasing to incorrectly confront players who aren't doing anything wrong. Secondly, if they really are up to no good you'll alert them and they'll have the opportunity to stop before anything can be proven.
There's no need to be overly alarmed, I've played 1464 DYMs here on Sky and I've only ever spotted blatent collusion worth reporting once.
GarryQQQ Has hit the nail on the head with the last paragragh, blatent, collussion is very hard to prove, been on here 18 months and has happened a few times with different formats.
Yes, I'm sure you are.
Now try turning this on its head.
A random guy gets miffed because he has had a bad night, or lost a few coolers to you, & comes onto the Community & says YOU are a cheat. Sky Poker INSTANLY ban you, without bothering to go through due process, just because this guy said so.
You did not cheat. You got named & shamed. You got banned.
How would you feel it that happened to you?
There are two sides to justice.
If you think someone is cheating, report it. It WILL be properly investigated, & IF PROVEN the villains will be dealt with as appropriate.
Note also that collusion is one of THE hardest things to prove.
Serious colluders would NOT be discussing it in the chat box, be assured, & such a convo would not constitute proof.
If you suspect it, report it. Job done.