January... b/roll £352 played some dym's£3 played some 2p/4p cash,nothing very exciting won £48
February...b/roll £400 as above again,23/2 withdraw £400..b/roll now £59, now playing £1 & £2 dym.
29/2 got new pc i7 £580. played 12 tables to many.
March...b/roll £89 9 tables £1 & £2 dym 7/3 b/roll £176 withdraw £100. played some cash elsewhere.
April...b/roll £34 still playing cash elsewhere.
May...b/roll £40 started 'mission impossible' £40-£1040 dym grind. playing £1 & £2 13/5 started playing £3
18/5 playing £5 dym,... 24/5 b/roll £229 24/5 played £11 dym..lost £129.50 b/roll £100
June...b/roll £108 playing £3 & £5. 6/6 got £50 c4p. 20/6 got another 27" monitor(£199).now playing 12
tables also playing £5's.
July... b/roll £198 6/7 got c4p £72.85. still playing 12 tables £3 & £5
August...b/roll £310 playing £3 only. 7/8 got c4p £64
Sept... b/roll £623. 7/9 got c4p £107. 9/9 my birthday lost £26 aaaagh.got £20 birthday bonus from Sky...
hooooray. should have kept quiet about that though. lol
still playing £3's.
20/9 b/roll £1,069.18
mission accomplished.
21/9 withdraw £500 (for Lewis,my 13 yr old nephew)
b/roll £569.18
Oct...b/roll £569.18 playing £5's. less tables,about 9.or 12.lol
Nov...b/roll £898 playing £3's & £5's mainly £3's though.
Dec... b/roll £1,216.79 decided to try 4 priority. playing 18/21 tables £3 & £2 then £3 & £5
7/12 got £103.97 c4p
Dec 31...b/roll £1,054.88 with £280.84 c4p to come
final effective b/roll £1,335.72
so that's it...
what a year.
yes i know you are not supposed to boast about your b/roll and winnings,etc...
what's the new 'buzz words' GIQ (get it quietly) or should that be Grind It Quietly in my case.
but who really cares,i certainly don't. i've had a pretty decent year,by my standards anyway,i've worked hard for it,so why shouldn't i share it with you?
if i learnt 1 thing this year it was you can't please all of the people all of the time.
if i can inspire just 1 player to achieve something similar,then i think it's been worth it.
anyway,thats your lot.com
hope some of you enoyed it,to those that didn't...tough,i'm past caring.
see you in the new year...
best wishes & be lucky..
well not you PatWalsh...you don't need it. lols
(* *)
dev x
0 ·
means a lot.
have a good year yourself.
Best wishes for the New Year
u2 buddy
when u comin down Exmouth 4 that pint then...2013?
(* *)
Been a bit busy with the house move, decorating , etc but now i've finished fitting the new kitchen i should have more time to come down in the New Year.
See you soon mate.
have a good 1
(* *)
N1 m8 GREAT JOB all the best for 2013
You have done fantastic with a great ethic and seem a really nice guy and are talking about your winnings in the right way!
Be proud with a great year and all the best for 2013
all the best for 2013
you too buddy
tbh mate what i've won this year has been great,especially at the levels i'm playing.
i've never posted up anything as a brag,well not intentionally anyway.i've always tried to be honest and i'm sure most people see it that way.
lets face it,what i've won the 'big boys' are playing for night after night,so i would hardly be bragging about my small winnings, would i.
guess there will always be one or two though that see it differently and tbh i can't be bothered by them any longer.if they want to see it that way then so be it.
think that's the one thing that i'll take away with me from this year...you can please all of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time,so i'll give up trying.
anyway,i've had my say,so there it is.
i am proud of my year here at Sky,and for the most part have enjoyed every second of it.
yes there were a few downs along the way but many more ups,and as long as that continues i will be more than happy to continue playing here and continue sharing my journey with you all,as i now see you all as my virtual friends,not simply as poker players.
best wishes for 2013 everyone
best wishes for 2013