Going to deposit £300 tomorrow and try to build it up playing £10 hypers only. May raise to £20 if I get to about £1000. What do you guys think? Never tried this before, could I do it? Thanks for all your help. Been playing them on Full Tilt recently but everytime I seem to have the other guy dominated they hit and win so I think I will try this site.
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£300 aint enough for £10s imo, I've played alot of Hypers and recently stepped up to £10s and most sessions involves swings of +/- £80+. What would 2 losing sessions do to your roll?
£300 is fine to be playing £5s though as long as you're happy to step down if things go badly.
Swings in Hypers can be pretty mental so you need a decent amount of BIs (like 50+)
I normally 2table, which means I get in about 25 games per hour, and I usually play for an hour or two if I'm doing a session but I have a full time job, girlfriend, kids etc so don't play as much as I'd like to.
To back up what's been said by others the beats in hypers come thick and fast. You'll see it all; 2-outers, 3 outers, runner-runners, several times per session, no matter where you play. So you're gonna need to be very strong mentally and pretty much tilt-proof.
While the games are fairly soft overall on Sky there are still a few very strong winning regs that will be tough to beat. You'll soon work out who they are, if you can avoid those guys it'll make your job much easier.
A blog would be great, avoid including too many hand histories, most readers find them a put-off.
Good luck with yours. Maybe look forward to playing you sometime. I'm going to try and get to some SPT's this year.
And yeah tilt is a big issue, I think my best bet is to just play and if I feel bored or tilted or anything that can affect my game then I just need to take a break and come back refreshed with a different mindset.
When you play hypers against people you realise the strong and weak players straight away. Its more easily transparent in my opinion than some other forms of the game.
With regard to 2tabling you could just take ya time, I used to only play 1 and when I tried 2 it was a struggle but I've eventually got used to it and don't think I play any worse at all by playing 2.
I've tried 3tabling a few times and it's just a nightmare and I completely lose track of stack sizes, opponent tendancies etc and have sometimes found myself just looking at the table, seeing my hand thinking 'easy fold' and do, then I realise stack sizes meant it's a definite jam and I'm gutted cos you can't afford to be missing too many opportunities in them especially like 20/40 blinds onwards.
I have been thinking about it and I think I will just play one table at a time but try and dedicate a bit more time to put the volume in because I find it affects my game unless I'm multitabling tournaments, these seem much more profitable if all your attention is on one table I think.
Initially I was losing money at hypers and tilting off on russian roulettes which have ruined my scope. However, in the last year I have shown a profit allbeit a very small one.
Sky players are generally more passive, they dont understand the correct way to play hypers, for example there are loads of players that will limp premium hands/pairs on the button not just when blinds are bigger but right from the beginning. There is one player, whose name resembles a hot spice who will either, limp open 4/5 xbb or shove at any level of blinds. You can pretty much assign a correct range with this sort of play, actually defeating it is another matter but
One thing I do is keep copious amounts of notes on players, not just styles but also what they have done in the past in certain situations. Unlike on stars you will come across the same players every day.
With regards to volume if you 2 table at £10, you can build up a decent level of cash for points which is sky's rakeback scheme. Play 2000 in a month(equivalent to 10,000 points) and you get a £280 quid bonus, play 4000 and its nearer £800. Not to be sniffed at. Once you get 10,000 points you gain entry to skys priority club, if you maintain at least this level of points for 2/3 months you end up getting enhanced rakeback for the same points. I recogn I have now made in the region of £10k in rakeback over the last two years which more than wipes out any losses which show on scope.
I can't start with £10's yet though because my opening bankroll is only £300 and if I went on a bad run to start with then it might completely tilt me. But I think starting with £5s is completely fine and I can build up a healthy cash for points bonus because I intend to be playing a lot this month... all be it 5 hours behind because I'm in a different time zone!
But yeah I played a few hypers on here before and I know the guy you speak of.. he seemed like a complete clown and I think I made a £20 profit from him in like 8 hypers for a £5 buy in which by any standards is just great!
You are right about the notes. Specific notes on exactly what players have been doing really really help when you are in a difficult spot and most of the time make you do the correct thing!
Thanks for the welcome and advice, really appreciate it!
There are a couple of these around, it's ridic cos they still raise/fold sometimes after 4xing which is just terrible. The massive edge imo is just that most people in them have no idea how to play a short stack, the other day I played one and they'd kept timing the bar down (not sure if it was deliberate or not) but blinds got to 40/80, said person had like 250 and limp/folded the button lol. Limp/folding from like 4-5xBB is pretty common place.
The same thing happens on full tilt and pokerstars a lot from my experiences. How can you limp or raise fold with 5 big blinds. It is just a ridiculously poor play. These are fundimentals of poker especially in these type of games. Where they get the money to keep playing is beyond me but it is great because it means profits for us!
Volume is the key to overcoming variance on hypers. Ive recently gone from £30 up to £600 playing 5rs and then down to £400, when I hit a downswing I tend to switch disciplines either to cash or mtts. I dont have a bankroll as such just deposit out of income, but never put more than a few hundred quid down so I can still eat which is more important than poker !
You just missed out on the christmas bonanza, I have found this time to be my most profitable over the few years I have been playing on sky. This year cash has been good to me.