As a first time member of this, i was wondering why i hadnt recieved a welcome email with the dedicated agent and a 'special' priority contact number.
I contacted live help and he told me that i needed to get 10k points for 3 months, JUST TO BE IN PRIORITY CLUB. Now surely this isn't correct otherwise the promotions page is very mis-leading.
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ive not read anywhere about the terms changing.
i know where i live its a public holiday, not sure about down south. this may have something to do with it. every chance you will get the email later today if it isnt a holiday. if not give it til this time tomoorow before giving cutomer care another try
i've received nothing too.
ps,guess mine will be here later too.
Hi Smarr,
Good job making Priority for the first time!
Today's the first business day of the month so your Welcome email will be on it's way to you by the end of the day as will your C4P bonus.
Apologies for that incorrect info you received, you don't need to make 10k three months in a row to gain entry. If/when you do make 10k 3 months in a row you'll move onto the enhanced 3+ Cash for Points rate.