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1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? ****Yes**** Latest balance £1,089.01 :



  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited October 2013
    Hi Gaz, tough read at the moment for your bankroll challange fans. I have been through more runs like this this year than ever but I always feel that you can come out of these as a better player.

    Regarding VikkiPKR posts I have to strongly disaggree with there points. Not only are they looking at your hands in isolation but late stage tourny play is all about picking spots to accumulate chips. Its very hard to stay patient and wait for good hands as they just dont come up that often and blind to stack ratio is much smaller. You simply have to win pots with marginal holdings, wether thats thinking your 2nd pair is good or out right bluff shoving over limpers pre. Plus if your only ever shoving with very strong hands then its even harder to make chips. 

    Oh, and sharkscope doesnt tell you everything. It doesnt include the bounties you gather and considering you mainly play BH then your ROI is a lot better than stated.

    So basically, your method is sound and you will be successfull in your challange! Chin up and good luck!!!
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balance £612.49:
    It doesnt include the bounties you gather and considering you mainly play BH then your ROI is a lot better than stated. So basically, your method is sound and you will be successfull in your challange! Chin up and good luck!!!
    Posted by CraigSG1
    Thanks for your words of encouragement Craig. My morale is improving and I know I'll be heading in the right direction sooner or later. Everybody who plays MTTs will have been through runs like this, it's no fun, but it never lasts forever.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2013
    Hi Gary

    Has it been a better day?
    Watched you win a H/U and a B/H.

    Hope everything else went ok too.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Day 278

    Closing Balance

    Up £8.88

    Yay! I won a small MTT today :) It was only a tiny £2.30 Bounty Hunter with 11 entrants, but it felt **** good all the same. I feel I played well, that combined with about three big holds saw me come out on top, including AQo over A5s aipf in the final hand, the sort of hold I haven't managed to make too often lately. Several run-outs were kind to my hole-cards and I didn't need to flip once in the entire tournament.

    In a £3.30 BH I went out in the first orbit. My raise to 140 with AK over three limpers at 10/20 ended up with becoming a three way aipf pot. I was flipping against 99 and QQ, a high variance +ev spot that I'm prepared to take with the bounties factored in. I didn't hit this time and the QQ held up, no complaints there. A couple of STTs went better; I doubled in a DYM and won a HU hyper.

    In the afternoon I stopped playing poker to catch up on business paperwork, however I let a couple of the new software freerolls run on the side. I lasted just one hand in each game; my QQ into AA aipf in the first. In the second my set of kings was cracked by a limp/caller with JTo who chased and caught a gut-shot.

    Today's profit is relatively small, however it's my most profitable session for 26 days by quite some way. Hopefully I've turned a corner.

    October Poker Points 83


    8436582 H NL   0.0 GBP SkyPoker 09/10/2013 15:30 NL Hold'em  Freeroll 166/173 £0 8436581 H NL   0.0 GBP SkyPoker 09/10/2013 15:00 NL Hold'em  Freeroll 171/174 £0 8436463 H NL 6MX,DN 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 09/10/2013 13:00 NL Hold'em  £3 + £0.3 1/6 £2.7 8436173 H NL ST,HU 0.05 GBP SkyPoker 09/10/2013 11:04 NL Hold'em  £1 + £0.05 1/2 £0.95 8434612 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 09/10/2013 10:45 NL Hold'em  £3 + £0.3 79/81 -£3.3 8433943 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 09/10/2013 10:15 NL Hold'em  £2 + £0.3 1/11 £8.53

    Yay, I managed a few holds today. Final hand in the £2.30 BH;

    PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Small blind  100.00 100.00 6590.00 GaryQQQ Big blind  200.00 300.00 15110.00   Your hole cards Q A        Raise  700.00 1000.00 5890.00 GaryQQQ All-in  15110.00 16110.00 0.00  All-in  5890.00 22000.00 0.00 GaryQQQ Unmatched bet  8620.00 13380.00 8620.00  Show 5 A    GaryQQQ Show Q A    Flop    10 4 4       Turn    K       River    8       GaryQQQ Win Pair of 4s 13380.00  22000.00
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited October 2013
    Hi Gary, just caught up with this, good to see you had a winning day today hopefully the momentum will swing now and you can go on a nice run. Good luck i'm sure you will be at the 4 figure mark soon enough.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Day 279

    Closing Balance

    Up £10.59

    Blimey, two wins in two days. Things seem to be turning around.

    All I had time for was another small £2.30 Bounty Hunter that attracted only 14 runners. Despite the small amount of money on the line I was very pleased to emerge as the winner again.
    I sucked-out in level 3 when my over-pair and straight draw with pocket 88 improved to crack two pairs on when stacks went on a 7-high flop. From there on there it was mainly plain sailing. I felt comfortable throughout and thought I pretty much had the measure of my remaining opponents.

    I was faced with a tough call at the final table when a wild opponent open-shoved his 27BB stack from the cut-off when I was sitting with pocket 77 on the BB. He was clearly tilting after losing a big pot to someone else the hand before, after using nearly all of the time-bar I went with my notes and instinct and made the call, my decision also helped by the fact that I would still have over 20BB to play with if I lost the pot. The villain had pocket 44 and my 7s held up.

    When we got down to two left an online search showed me the runner-up has never played a HU STT during his 1,000+ games here on Sky. It showed. I soon had the measure of him and the chips were mainly heading one-way. The only exception of note was when my turned second nut-flush lost a big pot to his rivered nut-flush. I lost the minimum in the circumstances, though it did give my opponent the chip lead briefly. There were no setbacks after that and I won the game the first time we had an aipf confrontation; my open-shove with pocket 99 holding up against A9.

    I'm out all day tomorrow and won't have time for any more poker until I return to the tables on Saturday afternoon. With confidence building and the variance seemingly evening-out I feel ready to get stuck into the £5.75 BHs agains. 

    October Poker Points 86


    8438198 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 10/10/2013 12:45 NL Hold'em  £2 + £0.3 1/14 £10.59

    Get in! Another hold, another small bink :)

    PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGaryQQQ Small blind  200.00 200.00 24130.00 * Big blind  400.00 600.00 3270.00   Your hole cards 9 9       GaryQQQ All-in  24130.00 24730.00 0.00 * All-in  3270.00 28000.00 0.00 GaryQQQ Unmatched bet  20660.00 7340.00 20660.00 GaryQQQ Show 9 9    * Show 9 A    Flop    10 2 7       Turn    5       River    Q       GaryQQQ Win Pair of 9s 7340.00  28000.00

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Day 280

    Didn't play

    Day 281

    Closing Balance

    Down £24.72

    After some brief signs of hope midweek I returned to running just about as badly as possible, taking several brutal beats for massive pots. The way the cards were falling it was impossible for me to win no matter how well I played my hands. My return to £5.75 Bounty Hunters, see below, was typical. There were several others like that though I won't go on or this diary will just become just another bad beat bore.

    I know I played well, so my head is held high. There's absolutely nothing I can do about the luck factor.

    I'll be back for another try tomorrow morning. Can't really say I'm looking forward to it the way poker is going for me at the moment.

    October Poker Points 118 (£1.18)


    8446179 H NL B 0.5 GBP SkyPoker 12/10/2013 20:30 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.5 183/611 -£5.5 8446500 H NL R 0.2 GBP SkyPoker 12/10/2013 18:30 NL Hold'em  £2R + £0.2 22/85 -£6.60 8446177 H NL B 0.75 GBP SkyPoker 12/10/2013 16:30 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.75 66/103 -£5.75 8446355 H NL B 0.75 GBP SkyPoker 12/10/2013 15:30 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.75 100/112 -£3.87 8445460 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 12/10/2013 14:15 NL Hold'em  £2 + £0.3 9/31 -£0.8

    This is how I roll.

    My first £5.75 Bounty Hunter for three weeks. The average stack was 2,200 when this hand was played at the start of level 2. We were first and second in chips at the time. Whoever wins this pot will be runaway leader with 4x as many chips as any of the other 87 runners still alive in the tournament at the time.

    PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGaryQQQ Small blind  15.00 15.00 5015.00 LeedsCal Big blind  30.00 45.00 815.00   Your hole cards A A       * Raise  150.00 195.00 7715.00 spa123 Fold     Doolz Fold     gunney Fold     GaryQQQ Raise  385.00 580.00 4630.00 LeedsCal Fold     * Call  250.00 830.00 7465.00 Flop    3 6 A       GaryQQQ Bet  395.00 1225.00 4235.00 * Call  395.00 1620.00 7070.00 Turn    K       GaryQQQ Check     * Bet  810.00 2430.00 6260.00 GaryQQQ All-in  4235.00 6665.00 0.00 * Call  3425.00 10090.00 2835.00 GaryQQQ Show A A    * Show 10 10    River    7       * Win Flush to the Ace 10090.00  12925.00

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited October 2013
    Feel your pain gary.........running similar myself. You know you're a good player and you know if you keep doing the right plays then things will turn around. Always following this diary but rarely post unless I feel like you need some words of

    GO ON GARY!!!!........keep going mate, keep the faith!
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Day 282

    Closing Balance

    Up £21.18

    Finished slightly up today thanks to sixth place finishes in both of the morning £3.30 Bounty Hunters. I can't moan about bad runnage because I won my fair share of flips and made a few big holds.

    In the 9-45am I went out on the final bubble in a double-elimination at a three-handed table. The button open-shoved when short, I reshoved from the SB with A9. It was a good call against the button; he had Q4o. Unfortunately the runaway chipleader on the BB woke up with AA and we both went out.

    In the 10-45am I was one card away from the chiplead at the final table. With 15BB behind and all stacks very shallow I shoved KJ over a 3BB button open, the villain was opening to 3x on nearly all buttons. After a think he called with A2o. The flop was jack-high, the ace landed on the river. Fair enough, the slight favourite won, it would be nice to win one from behind every now and then though.

    Despite two deepish runs today I'm not really enjoying poker that much at the moment. If this diary goes quiet it means I've decided to take a short break.

    October Poker Points 124 (£1.24)


    8449039 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 13/10/2013 10:45 NL Hold'em  £3 + £0.3 6/100 £12.5 8448772 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 13/10/2013 09:45 NL Hold'em  £3 + £0.3 6/74 £8.68
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Day 283

    Closing Balance

    Up £1.31 today

    After taking two beats to bust from my first tournment I nearly quit my session there and then in a huff. However I calmed down, resolved not to let the variance get the better of me, then carried on playing.

    It was no no avail really. Apart from min-cashes in a £2.30 BH and a new software freeroll I simply couldn't find enough of that elusive run-good to get anything going in MTTs. My day was saved by a couple of HU hyper wins, including a crucial QQ over ace-rag aipf hold that set me up for victory in a £10.50 game.

    October Poker Points 161 (£1.61)


    8453814 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 14/10/2013 14:45 NL Hold'em  £2 + £0.3 3/18 £2.05 8455297 H NL R 0.0 GBP SkyPoker 14/10/2013 14:30 NL Hold'em  Freeroll 21/181 £0.568455442 H NL ST,HU 0.05 GBP SkyPoker 14/10/2013 14:00 NL Hold'em  £1 + £0.05 1/2 £0.95 8455296 H NL TI 0.0 GBP SkyPoker 14/10/2013 14:00 NL Hold'em  Freeroll 152/200 £0 8453557 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 14/10/2013 13:45 NL Hold'em  £2 + £0.3 7/21 -£1.17 8455214 H NL ST,HU 0.5 GBP SkyPoker 14/10/2013 12:40 NL Hold'em  £10 + £0.5 1/2 £9.5 8453145 H NL B 0.75 GBP SkyPoker 14/10/2013 12:30 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.75 60/63 -£5.7
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited October 2013
    Hi Gaz,

    I know right now you are going through a tough period as every player does and will do many, many, many more times in the future. Believe me, I know how frustrating it is and at times it can really make you feel like packing it in. Of corse we always come back after calming down more determined than ever.

    I would like to suggest that you actually increase your play. It may sound counter-intuative but as long as you can keep a level head and just play (i know its one of your strengths so use it) then I think you can get over it a lot quicker. The only difference I would make is just play lower stakes untill you feel more confident again. Play a lot of £2 HU SnG (especially with this week being double points) and im pretty sure it will help with moral, after all this was a big part it esculating your BR early on in your challange.

    Hope this helps, good luck.

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balance £629.73:
    Hi Gaz, I know right now you are going through a tough period as every player does and will do many, many, many more times in the future. Believe me, I know how frustrating it is and at times it can really make you feel like packing it in. Of corse we always come back after calming down more determined than ever. I would like to suggest that you actually increase your play. It may sound counter-intuative but as long as you can keep a level head and just play (i know its one of your strengths so use it) then I think you can get over it a lot quicker. The only difference I would make is just play lower stakes untill you feel more confident again. Play a lot of £2 HU SnG (especially with this week being double points) and im pretty sure it will help with moral, after all this was a big part it esculating your BR early on in your challange. Hope this helps, good luck. Craig.
    Posted by CraigSG1
    Wise words, thank-you. 48/24 hours ago I was very close to calling a week long break from poker. I've calmed down, talked myself out of it and got back to work at the tables.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Day 284

    Closing Balance

    Up £46.35 today

    Wooo-hooo! At long last I'm back in the winners circle :)

    I managed to win a small £5.50 freezeout this afternoon. With only 26 runners it was hardly a big deal, however this represents my biggest for 55 days. I have to go all the way back to August 21st to find a bigger cash. Tight aggressive play got me there. I ran well, winning a couple of flips on the way and busted a very short player with AJ > AK for the first elimination at the final table.

    When we got down to four left (three paid) I thought it was going to go pear-shaped again. With me in third place the shortest stack open shoved on my BB. My pocket JJ was an easy call, but I lost to pocket 99 and became the shortie myself. I kept my cool and fought my way back into it. The bubble lasted quite a while, there were no soft spots and few mistakes being made, the shorter stack winning all the big confrontations. When it did eventually go I was in third of three but soon got a much needed double when I defended another shove on my BB with Ajs. It held against A9o, a standard play by both of us considering the shallow effective stacks.

    Soon after HU play started I had slipped to holding one third of the chips in play. Then two big holds settled the game. First I called a shove with 44, beating A2 to take the lead. Then called another shove with pocket KK which held against pocket 44 for the win. Get in!

    Earlier in the day I drew blanks in a batch of Bounty Hunters. If I'm honest with myself I didn't deserve anything; I was playing below my best, made some pretty awful calls and got overly aggressive at times when I shouldn't. My only close call came in a Speed £5.75, in which I held the chiplead for a while at the final table (after running very well to get there thanks to a couple of suck-outs). With all stacks very shallow I lost the first big flip with 66 < KJ aipf, then squandered the rest of my chips.

    I played some HU STTs too, after a poor start I roughly broke even.

    My confidence now officially restored, hopefully the downswing is over and I can resume upwards movement.

    October Poker Points 235 (£2.35)


    8457465 H NL   0.5 GBP SkyPoker 15/10/2013 13:15 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.5 1/26 £59.5 8459754 H NL ST,HU 0.25 GBP SkyPoker 15/10/2013 13:14 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.25 1/2 £4.75 8457782 H NL B 0.75 GBP SkyPoker 15/10/2013 12:00 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.75 5/28 £3.65 8459509 H NL ST,HU 0.25 GBP SkyPoker 15/10/2013 11:54 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.25 1/2 £4.75 8459251 H NL ST,HU 0.5 GBP SkyPoker 15/10/2013 11:41 NL Hold'em  £10 + £0.5 1/2 £9.5 8459296 H NL ST,HU 0.5 GBP SkyPoker 15/10/2013 11:38 NL Hold'em  £10 + £0.5 2/2 -£10.5 8459450 H NL T,HU 0.5 GBP SkyPoker 15/10/2013 11:30 NL Hold'em <span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Calibri,Sans-Serif;line-h
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited October 2013
    Hey Gary - just clicked on your profile (because I'm curious that way) and then to your JustGiving page. Well done on the efforts, and a serious amount of money raised for charity. Nice work indeed. How were the legs after that?
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited October 2013

    Good to hear Gary. Now get on with it so you can have a long break at Xmas!
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balance £676.08:
    Good to hear Gary. Now get on with it so you can have a long break at Xmas!
    Posted by MAXALLY
     WHich one?? ONly kidding Gary, twas really only a matter of time before the poker gods smiled again. ;-)
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Thanks for the support chaps.

    In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balance £676.08:
    Hey Gary - just clicked on your profile (because I'm curious that way) and then to your JustGiving page. Well done on the efforts, and a serious amount of money raised for charity. Nice work indeed. How were the legs after that?
    Posted by Slipwater
    Thanks. My legs are/were absolutely fine. 13 years on the milkround working 6 days per week have given my legs have plenty of stamina. In a typical working day I walk at least 10 miles, good training for long distance walking.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Day 285

    Closing Balance

    Down £3.55 today

    I didn't have much time to play poker today.

    In two Bounty Hunter tournaments I drew a blank, exiting each in my first flip of the game; KQ < 22aipf on the bubble of a £2.30 Speed, then 99 < AK aipf in a £5.75 (TJQ flop lol).

    After that I played three micro STTs on the side while my attention was mainly focused on business paperwork, won a little bit back.

    October Poker Points 258 (£2.58)


    8464109 H NL 6MX,DN 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 16/10/2013 16:11 NL Hold'em  £3 + £0.3 1/6 £2.7 8463967 H NL 6MX,DN 0.15 GBP SkyPoker 16/10/2013 15:27 NL Hold'em  £1 + £0.15 1/6 £0.85 8463976 H NL ST,HU 0.05 GBP SkyPoker 16/10/2013 15:03 NL Hold'em  £1 + £0.05 1/2 £0.95 8462753 H NL B 0.75 GBP SkyPoker 16/10/2013 14:30 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.75 75/83 -£5.75 8461862 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 16/10/2013 13:45 NL Hold'em  £2 + £0.3 7/33 -£2.3
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points -----> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balance £676.08:
    Thanks for the support chaps. In Response to Re: 1,000 Poker Points ----- /> £1,000 Can it be done? Latest balance £676.08 : Thanks. My legs are/were absolutely fine. 13 years on the milkround working 6 days per week have given my legs have plenty of stamina. In a typical working day I walk at least 10 miles, good training for long distance walking.
    Posted by GaryQQQ

    a man of many talents

    ps gl in your challenge
    hope you've got your mojo back
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited October 2013
    Day 286

    Closing Balance

    Down £21.77 today

    Not my day. I entered some Bounty Hunter tournaments but couldn't get anything going. I'm happy with my play, but there's not a lot you can do when you find yourself the wrong side of the coolers and fare badly in 'all-in and called' situations.

    Perhaps my best chance of a score came in a £5.75, I busted close(ish) to the money when I open-shoved with AK. I found two callers pocket 99, then AQ, a treble-up would have seen me well placed in the top five. Pocket 99 looked the most likely winner pre-flop to be fair, however it was the guy with AQ who got lucky when he spiked a queen to scoop the large pot.

    In my first £11 Bounty Hunter for a while I busted in my first standard flip of the tournament with QQ < AK aipf.

    October Poker Points 297 (£2.97)


    8467930 H NL ST,HU 0.15 GBP SkyPoker 17/10/2013 14:29 NL Hold'em  £3 + £0.15 1/2 £2.85 8467884 H NL 6MX,DN 0.15 GBP SkyPoker 17/10/2013 14:22 NL Hold'em  £1 + £0.15 5/6 -£1.15 8467783 H NL ST,HU 0.05 GBP SkyPoker 17/10/2013 13:30 NL Hold'em  £0.5 + £0.05 1/2 £0.45 8465785 H NL B 0.75 GBP SkyPoker 17/10/2013 13:30 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.75 26/59 -£5.75 8465622 H NL B 1.0 GBP SkyPoker 17/10/2013 13:00 NL Hold'em  £10 + £1 38/40 -£11 8465138 H NL B 0.75 GBP SkyPoker 17/10/2013 11:30 NL Hold'em  £5 + £0.75 21/73 -£3.87 8465545 H NL B 0.3 GBP SkyPoker 17/10/2013 10:45 NL Hold'em  £3 + £0.3 43/76 <p style="font-size:6pt;font-family:'Segoe UI',Tahoma,Verdana,'Sans-Serif';v
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