Maxy's diary. So much win. Question, I've noticed that most recent PDC champions are from Stoke on Trent. As a Stokie yourself can I ask if Darts is actually taught in schools there? Posted by TommyD
Cheers Tommy, and thanks for the question.
I was actually born and breed in Nottingham but moved around the country in my childhood with my Father's Quantity Surveyors work with Tarmac. We moved to Stoke when he was on the management side working on constructing the Queensway (now called the A500) through the city.
Sorry, what was the question? Oh...darts.
There is a multitude of darts talent in this city. Taylor, Lewis, Hamiliton, and ofc Bristow! There are also a load of England International Pool players....probably some national cribbage champions and Bar Skittles professionals! Basically, any pub sport really
Good Luck with this Maxy Question - What got you playing Poker? Posted by DTWBANDIT
Hi Michael, hope you are well and thanks for your question.
I started playing cards at a very young age when the old man used to teach us kids all kinds of different variants of cards. When I hit drinking age (or just before if truth be known) this led into playing pub card games like 3 card brag, cribbage etc. Poker was just a natural progression from this.
In Response to DIARY OF A DISILLUSIONED DEGENERATE : FYP By the way, best vicey ever (ish) Worst of luck with your diary dear, look forward to hearing lots of bubble stories )) xx Posted by TRIP5
Good on yer Alan, looking forward to this m8. Will you be posting your skybet progress as well? Posted by pomfrittes
Cheers Bill. Betting progress????.....that would indicate I actually win! I wish I did! TBH, I only have a very small flutter every now and again and don't really study form/understand the racing world.
Monday DTD night - nothing to report apart from the fact i didnt bubble any tournies tonight.....TBF.....I didnt even see the aero wrapper as I was that far from it!
OH.....coming down with man flu! It could be a long week
Reading some of the other diaries, I notice a few are running bad. I am too now......ban diaries IMO. I hope we all turn it around soon!
Message to someone who said in chat tonight that this diary was boring and sends him to sleep......DON'T BOTHER READING IT! #simple. Plus, if you think you can do any better, go ahead. Then again, he wont be reading this #fail.
A welcome return of cashing in MTT's tonight. Only played 3 but cashed in them ALL. Played the mini, 8.15 deepy and the 2K B/H. Only min cashed in all of them but it is still nice to stop the rot.
I ran well up to and over Xmas but since the start of the year, I have not run so well. Not sure I can put my finger on anything I am doing wrong, and as I am not one to post hands and get 199 different replies as to how I should of played it in my 10 seconds of thinking, will just put it down to VARIANCE!
Anyway, I turned it around last night slightly with a small MTT R/U which has sort of stopped the rot. This was from the 12am (love playing late at night;pity I have to work for a living).
£400gtd £11 B/I
This was from the 1am...sigh.
£200gtd £5.50 B/I
Life news
Had some house improvements done over the last couple of months and after some inconvenience and upheaval, my abode is finally getting back to something like a house. NEVER believe a estimated price/finish date btw.
As I am getting older (pushing 29 now), peoples treatment of others amazes me sometimes. I am not talking about the world wide suffering of millions of war torn/poverty stricken/sick people who are unfortunately out, I am on about how folk treat each other via this world wide web of ours. I watched a interesting programme the other night called 'dont blame it on Facebook'. Worries me what the world will be like in a hundred years or so....not safe online or offline I guess.
Another one of my current bug bears ATM are people having to comment on stuff when they do not have all the facts to hand but will go off on one anyway. That is another failing of the internet communication system in my book.
Loving the snow we have. Miss not having the money for skiing holidays nowadays. I also love how this country grinds to a halt at first sign of the fluffy white stuff. Great example of this was yesterday at work. I managed to do the normal half an hour journey in just over an hour. The snow was TBF coming down thick and fast over North Stoke and staff at our works were permitted to leave early. No real problem with that.....apart from I found it funny that all the 4x4 vehicle owners and those who live closest to work, left 1st! . I live the furthest away and locked up at the normal time for a Friday. Don't panic Mr Mannering.
Anyway.....enough waffle/rubbish from me.....will update again at the end of the month if there are no other questions.
GL all on the tables.....and be careful out there!
I started mine on the back of a good run and then it all went pear shaped.
What are your actual goals here??? Most other diaries have a br target they are aiming for or they are trying out a new format....makes for a more interesting read. I'm not saying this diary is dull, but it's not what I expected from one of the "comedians" of the forum :P
Diaries are a curse imo.... I started mine on the back of a good run and then it all went pear shaped. What are your actual goals here??? Most other diaries have a br target they are aiming for or they are trying out a new format....makes for a more interesting read. I'm not saying this diary is dull, but it's not what I expected from one of the "comedians" of the forum :P Posted by waller02
Cheers for your question Rik
Not really set any 'goals' any such as I do not want to get to that stage where I am playing because 'I have to' rather than playing what and when I want to....if that makes sense.
I would like to reach 2k C4P's though this month, but will not worry if i don't.
I am currently on 1,206. As you know, I only play MTT's/STT's, so I need to sat into a few of the bigger games this month I think.
In Response to Re: DIARY OF A DISILLUSIONED DEGENERATE : Cheers for your question Rik Not really set any 'goals' any such as I do not want to get to that stage where I am playing because 'I have to' rather than playing what and when I want to....if that makes sense. I would like to reach 2k C4P's though this month, but will not worry if i don't. I am currently on 1,206. As you know, I only play MTT's/STT's, so I need to sat into a few of the bigger games this month I think. Posted by MAXALLY
Ah right cool ty for reply. I was also curious about whether you made any changes in you game which contributed to your good run or did you play your usual game and just didn't run bad for a change? Has confidence helped too as I have noticed you are a lot more aggro early doors these days (to the extent where I had to re-write my notes on you lol)
Oh and.....are you really only 29? (long paper round??)
Good on yer Alan, looking forward to this m8. Will you be posting your skybet progress as well?
Good luck and enjoy your diary. Let's see what you're made of, eh?
I offer My Services for a 'De-Gen De-Brief' in Al's Bar at the end of every Day!!
Am sure this wont help!! But i'll only Charge you a Pint!!
The Hitman
I started mine on the back of a good run and then it all went pear shaped.
What are your actual goals here??? Most other diaries have a br target they are aiming for or they are trying out a new format....makes for a more interesting read. I'm not saying this diary is dull, but it's not what I expected from one of the "comedians" of the forum :P
Oh and.....are you really only 29? (long paper round??)