Would be good to see the main events on here all be deepstacked instead of turbos. The wednesday night double stack and the friday night rebuy are good structures but the other tournamants are quite fast. Be good to see the primo on a sunday night being increased to a 5k start stack and perhaps another main event with a 4k stark stack. Also not for blind levels to be skipped in the tournaments as the start stack might aswell be less as the start if this happens. Whilst i agree that the monday, tuesday,thursday and saturday main events are not complete turbos a lot of your decisions will be allin or fold decisions and deepstack poker allows you to play down the various streets.
So does that mean that the Mini MTTs are all £5-50 now, as someone pointed out to me that Wednesdays Mini was £5-50? I seem to remember a thread not too long ago where Sky said the Wednesday and Friday Buy ins for the Mini would stay at £3-30 while the rest would be £5-50. If that is so nice turnabout Sky and thanks for nothing.