Hi peoples,
I've just watched ept final at monte carlo on tv and saw Elky Grospellier fling his cards at the dealer after losing a pot(oesd on flop...didn't hit). He gives a little hands up type "sorry it wasn't intentional"-type gesture but it most certainly was and done with vigour. We come back to find that he gets a one orbit ban. That is disgraceful imo. Lets have zero tolerance and be strong with expulsions or something otherwise the game will be in the gutter.
Its disgraceful that so called celebrities behave in this way and certainly accounts for the behaviour you see at some poker rooms live plus chat boxes on line.
Football has descended to pitiful levels and i'm so glad that my son does not get involved with weekend leagues as the behaviour both on the itch and sidelines is a reflection of the way our society sees so called 'successful, talented' people behaving atrociously so feel that they can copy them.
Why can't these people realise that they have a responsibility.
Ok rant over....deep breath taken and........RELAX!!!!!
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Unfortunately he did it on TV.
Blood pressure back to normal now ty. TBh i find Tony G a good watch but he's trying to knock players off kilter and that's part of the game that other player's should understand. The dealer is providing cheat free cards....not on, imo. Why didn't he throw the cards at the other player? Probably because the dealer has a job to protect and had to restrain himself. The other player may have flung himself across the table to deliver an unmissable headbutt to Elkys eagle beak and a massive fight could have ensued. Great tv and all that would have happened was BOTH players would have had a one orbit ban. Simples!
I don't agree with this "its understandable" society. Consequently, if the punishment isn't in proportion to the action committed then it will go on regardless. Yes, i agree, Bugaloo and you see more of it than i do no doubt but i'm stll not ok with it and feel its up to the owers to make stricter rules in order to cut it out.
I'd personally like to see orbit bans also dished out to players who berate other players play at the table.