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£1050 to £2050 challenge/// Diary of a HUSNG Hyper grinder// Current Balance: £1230.2



  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited May 2013
    think you played pre and flop fine think I raise turn if bein picky just to build pot for shove river because by flattin turn there is £24 in pot both you have £32,but realistically it was always going in anyways when he has full house

    also how you finding the 10/20nl tables? you seem to be doing well keep it up buddy

    gl at tables
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Ok Tintin, i'm hoping to gradually up the tables 9 seems a long long way away though maybe add 1 at a time when i get a monitor and see how far i can go, gl if you decide to grind the promo.

    Thanks for feedback Arazi and Liam, yeah i'm still undecided on the turn did click to raise initially but felt like  with me flatting a 3bet pre i'm pretty much turn my hand face up if i raise there and also felt that if river card was a blank or filled me up i had advantage of having them both act first so could get them both to put more in then jam it in.

    I'm enjoying playing at the moment but it's an easy game when your hitting big hands like the one above the test will be when things don't go my way, 10nl i feel really comfortable at as there is only a few regs who are solid players and i can comfortably lose 200bb without it affecting me as much as at 20nl.

    20nl i've only started adding 1-2 tables since last night because of my good early profit at 10nl and have just run pretty good over a very short amount of time tbh, i havn't been table selecting atm because i want to test myself v the better players at the level to see if i can hold my own and also like to sit with 200bb when i can, so no doubt i will have some tougher sessions if i carry on playing 20nl as there are definetly a few more better regs. Hope things have turned round for you, i saw your post the week about having a bit of a downswing, gl at the tables as well.
  • _ARAZI__ARAZI_ Member Posts: 549
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash 10nl + diary.:
    Ok Tintin, i'm hoping to gradually up the tables 9 seems a long long way away though maybe add 1 at a time when i get a monitor and see how far i can go, gl if you decide to grind the promo. Thanks for feedback Arazi and Liam, yeah i'm still undecided on the turn did click to raise initially but felt like  with me flatting a 3bet pre i'm pretty much turn my hand face up if i raise there and also felt that if river card was a blank or filled me up i had advantage of having them both act first so could get them both to put more in then jam it in. I'm enjoying playing at the moment but it's an easy game when your hitting big hands like the one above the test will be when things don't go my way, 10nl i feel really comfortable at as there is only a few regs who are solid players and i can comfortably lose 200bb without it affecting me as much as at 20nl. 20nl i've only started adding 1-2 tables since last night because of my good early profit at 10nl and have just run pretty good over a very short amount of time tbh, i havn't been table selecting atm because i want to test myself v the better players at the level to see if i can hold my own and also like to sit with 200bb when i can, so no doubt i will have some tougher sessions if i carry on playing 20nl as there are definetly a few more better regs. Hope things have turned round for you, i saw your post the week about having a bit of a downswing, gl at the tables as well.
    Posted by benc

    Was my thinking exactly mate, if your oop then a turn raise would be fine but like you say when your ip it makes life alot easier and gives you the advantage of not showing just how strong you really are.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited May 2013
    i did say I may be being picky don`t think at all that that the way i say would be better just a different opinion and also think flattin ip is fine also was just thinking if if they had a qx or 910 for example and say a spade or 4 to straight card hits they maybe fold river thinking you hit or you bet a reasonable amount yeah you may get called but don`t get full stack but by raisng turn puts more money in pot and so whatever you bet river it will be bigger gaining more value from worse hands.

    but yeah like the fact your call on turn disguises your hand a little but you  cold called a 3bet anywayz so if they are decent players they will know roughly what range hands you would do this with.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash 10nl + diary.:
    i did say I may be being picky don`t think at all that that the way i say would be better just a different opinion and also think flattin ip is fine also was just thinking if if they had a qx or 910 for example and say a spade or 4 to straight card hits they maybe fold river thinking you hit or you bet a reasonable amount yeah you may get called but don`t get full stack but by raisng turn puts more money in pot and so whatever you bet river it will be bigger gaining more value from worse hands. but yeah like the fact your call on turn disguises your hand a little but you  cold called a 3bet anywayz so if they are decent players they will know roughly what range hands you would do this with.
    Posted by liamboi11
    Yeah, i'm aware you wasn't saying it was the wrong play just offering another perspective so thought i'd explain thought process for why i went with the flat- your explanation is pretty much why i initially clicked raise, although i also took into consideration that if the scare card comes (i.e 9spades, 10spades.) on the river and there is loads of action in front of me i can find a fold in position having kept the pot small and not invested much. Obviously i would call a normal sized bet on the river but say Z leads out and then X raises or jams i can just lay it down and find a better spot without bloating the pot, is that a bad way of viewing the hand with such a monster?
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited May 2013
    defo think your thinking is spot on, because you flatted the turn you are thinking a street ahead what cards are bad like scare/kill you action cards.

    you also will gain information on the river before you make your decision as your ip you can make up your mind depending on what cards fall whether to get max value/small v-bet or possibly even fold depending what opponents do on certain cards.

    I love having a talk about a hand with different views makes you think about different things lol.

    I will prob be on cash l8rs so may see you at tables gl only if your not at my table lol

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Another decent hour and a bit, was planning on playing longer but lost a decent pot in a 3bet pot with KK where i levelled myself against a guy who had literally just sat down so instead of tilting and donating i thought i would just have a rest as have played alot of cash lately, still a good bit of profit which makes for another good day of profit and now +£200 since i started the spreadsheet the other day. Going to watch motd and maybe play an mtt if i'm bored.

    Session 2:
    Hours: 1 hour 40 minutes
    Tables: 3/4

    Day total:
    Hours: 3 hours 10 minutes

  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash 10nl + diary.:
    Another decent hour and a bit, was planning on playing longer but lost a decent pot in a 3bet pot with KK where i levelled myself against a guy who had literally just sat down so instead of tilting and donating i thought i would just have a rest as have played alot of cash lately, still a good bit of profit which makes for another good day of profit and now +£200 since i started the spreadsheet the other day. Going to watch motd and maybe play an mtt if i'm bored. Session 2: Hours: 1 hour 40 minutes Tables: 3/4 Profit:£25.02 Day total: Hours: 3 hours 10 minutes Profit:£68.25
    Posted by benc
    Hey Ben

    So you ditched hu then? I thought your mindset and discipline was perfect for hu tbh, but I have to say the game seems tougher these days than a few years back. I've never dabled in nl10, but £200 is pretty spectacular going indeed it would be a good return for nl30. My BR is around £1k now, mainly through playing cash and mtt's and I am determined not to tilt it off this time! 

    The smaller field mtt's on sky are like 2 or 3 table sng's tbh and exploitable. I personally take more pleasure through beating 20 or 30 other runners to win £50-70 rather than winning  a cash pot of this size. More variance yes, but as with sngs volume is key.

    Will be interesting to see how your cash journey progresses.

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Hey Ace, yeah giving the HU a rest for the moment they were driving me crazy i was on the verge of going on some the rants you are famous for and when i get to that stage i know i need to give it a rest lol The profit from the last few days included the odd table of 20nl mastercash so it's not solely from 10nl as i won a couple of decent pots ont hem tables as well. I am going to give Cash a real go over the coming months even if i show a loss after a month or so should be an interesting journey whatever happens. If you see me taking a shot at 100nl chasing losses at any point rant at me untill i leave lol

    Today i got my comeuppance from the poker gods, the great spell had to end eventually and it did quite abruptly. I played two sessions of 3 10nl and 1 20nl tables, i think i limited my losses quite well on reflection but a review of the hand history might tell a different story i may post a fair few of the hands to see what others think. I kept having to make folds on the river when in spots where long term i think i'm value betting and being paid off, plus a couple of coolers and 1 ill timed bluff against a station who i thought i could fold out having noted he liked to minbet leadout when he is very weak, suffice to say he found a big call on both the turn and the river with middle pair- exactly the type of hand i felt i was going to fold out but i guess if you are hammering away at someone with bets they are going to call eventually with junk and you have to make sure you turn up with the goods once you get them to that point so a mistake from me.

    Also played 1 5.50 dym which i got it in with top pair v a check raise jam A high no draw- they hit there A on the turn, two 5,75 bhs which i got it in kk v ak for what would of been a big chip lead andl lost, then Js to AK int he other standard flip can't complain about that just nature of mtts.

    I expect quite big swings with the way i play so will have to get used to sessions like this happening every so often, today i felt most of the losses were unavoidable and could of been made alot worse by making some sigh calls that i would probably of made not so long ago, i'm planning to get another session in later and hopefully can book a win however small. The figures below are purely cash, quite an expensive morning/afternoon when the dym and mtts are factored in but still well in profit +145 on cash so have to look at the bigger picture as it all averages out.

    Session 1:
    Hours: 1
    Profit/loss: -£30.41

    Session 2:
    Hours: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Profit loss:-£47.21
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2013

    hi benc,

    sorry to see todays results mate,but looks like you are taking it well,which is a good sign.
    all about the long term and you are crushing it atm,so wouldn't read to much into today,even though it still hurts.
    another winning session later and it'll all be forgotten.

    I've found the best way to deal with any loss is to think about how i'll be doing by the end of the month,
    and not about how I do every session.
    as long as I feel I played ok then that's all that matters.if the cards are against me,i can't change that.
    if I run bad and play bad I get annoyed with myself but only for a short while.
    there's always another winning session just around the corner...well that's what I tell myself anyway.  lol

    gl laters
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Right 2-3 hands from the session, i feel like these lotsses are pretty standard and not down to making massive mistakes, the a10 hand i think i messed my sizing up a bit pre should of been a bit larger and sizing along the streets not quite right but not a big mistake i don't think. The 85 was a tough one but against this oppo i think have to fold after the aggression i have shown i think i'm beat by too much- too tight a fold possibly. Then finally the ak hand i think i played fine and oppo made a bad call on the turn and got lucky.

    Hand 1- i think this ok, i maybe get raised by sets here but i didn't feel like i was winning enough of the time to call- too many better straights- flushes that got there.
    vinnybhoy Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £39.10
    benc Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £49.07
      Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 8
    DEFOE007 Call   £0.20 £0.50 £39.60
    spearsy136 Fold        
    Call   £0.20 £0.70 £35.50
    garreb3431 Call   £0.20 £0.90 £33.00
    vinnybhoy Fold        
    benc Check        
    • 6
    • 9
    • 7
    benc Check        
    DEFOE007 Bet   £0.20 £1.10 £39.40
    Call   £0.20 £1.30 £35.30
    garreb3431 Fold        
    benc Raise   £1.60 £2.90 £47.47
    DEFOE007 Fold        
    Call   £1.40 £4.30 £33.90
    • J
    benc Bet   £3.80 £8.10 £43.67
    roy4amy x
      £3.80 £11.90 £30.10
    • 2
    benc Bet   £6.00 £17.90 £37.67
      £17.95 £35.85 £12.15
    benc Fold        
    Win   £22.70   £34.85
    Return   £11.95 £1.20 £46.80
    Hand 2: Again didn't feel like i could do much else in this hand, i think i bet the turn big enough to get rid of that type of holding normally so am getting some good value.
    Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £39.90
    benc Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £39.80
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    Raise   £0.50 £0.80 £39.40
    benc Raise   £1.80 £2.60 £38.00
    Call   £1.40 £4.00 £38.00
    • 2
    • K
    • 2
    benc Bet   £2.60 £6.60 £35.40
    Call   £2.60 £9.20 £35.40
    • A
    benc Bet   £6.00 £15.20 £29.40
    Call   £6.00 £21.20 £29.40
    • 6
    benc Bet   £7.00 £28.20 £22.40
    x Call   £7.00 £35.20 £22.40
    benc Show
    • K
    • A
    x Show
    • 4
    • 7
    x Win Flush to the King £34.20   £56.60
    Hand 3: this is the hand i'm least sure about- think if i'm going to play it i need to go slightly bigger pre and maybe bigger on the turn. To this oppo i nearly levelled myself into a call as i know he is a v-good player that is capable of getting me off some hands,  but found the fold which i think is right, i think a7s- 7s full 10s full make up most of his range here, and although that is very narrow i felt that he would turn up with them hands more than he would a bluff, as hands like AQ- etc he would just call rather than turn into a bluff.
    benc Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £42.15
    Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £40.10
    patmac1947 Sit out        
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 10
    NoNutzzz Fold        
    DEFOE007 Call   £0.20 £0.50 £20.80
    benc Raise   £0.70 £1.20 £41.45
    Call   £0.60 £1.80 £39.50
    DEFOE007 Call   £0.60 £2.40 £20.20
    • 7
    • 10
    • A
    benc Bet   £2.05 £4.45 £39.40
    Call   £2.05 £6.50 £37.45
    DEFOE007 Fold        
    • 7
    benc Bet   £4.60 £11.10 £34.80
    Call   £4.60 £15.70 £32.85
    • 2
    benc Bet   £9.00 £24.70 £25.80
    All-in   £32.85 £57.55 £0.00
    benc Fold        
    Win   £32.01   £32.01
    Return   £23.85 £1.69 £55.86
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Thanks Dev, yeah atm my focus is purely on the overall profit in my spreadsheet i actually came out of todays session feeling quite positive which sounds strange, but i genuinely think i would of spewed off alot more in the past probably calling in one of the two spots i found a fold in above. Cash is a swingy game when your multitabling especially playing 200bbs on most of them, have to take the rough with the smooth just hope it doesn't turn into a sustained run of losses as then it is harder to keep the confidence going.

    p.s. you seem to be having a bit of an identity crisis atm lol i have no idea why i use the avatar i have just messed around putting loads of different ones on once then stayed with it. Any reasons for the change?
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash 10nl + diary.:
    Hey Ace, yeah giving the HU a rest for the moment they were driving me crazy i was on the verge of going on some the rants you are famous for and when i get to that stage i know i need to give it a rest lol The profit from the last few days included the odd table of 20nl mastercash so it's not solely from 10nl as i won a couple of decent pots ont hem tables as well. I am going to give Cash a real go over the coming months even if i show a loss after a month or so should be an interesting journey whatever happens. If you see me taking a shot at 100nl chasing losses at any point rant at me untill i leave lol Today i got my comeuppance from the poker gods, the great spell had to end eventually and it did quite abruptly. I played two sessions of 3 10nl and 1 20nl tables, i think i limited my losses quite well on reflection but a review of the hand history might tell a different story i may post a fair few of the hands to see what others think. I kept having to make folds on the river when in spots where long term i think i'm value betting and being paid off, plus a couple of coolers and 1 ill timed bluff against a station who i thought i could fold out having noted he liked to minbet leadout when he is very weak, suffice to say he found a big call on both the turn and the river with middle pair- exactly the type of hand i felt i was going to fold out but i guess if you are hammering away at someone with bets they are going to call eventually with junk and you have to make sure you turn up with the goods once you get them to that point so a mistake from me. Also played 1 5.50 dym which i got it in with top pair v a check raise jam A high no draw- they hit there A on the turn, two 5,75 bhs which i got it in kk v ak for what would of been a big chip lead andl lost, then Js to AK int he other standard flip can't complain about that just nature of mtts. I expect quite big swings with the way i play so will have to get used to sessions like this happening every so often, today i felt most of the losses were unavoidable and could of been made alot worse by making some sigh calls that i would probably of made not so long ago, i'm planning to get another session in later and hopefully can book a win however small. The figures below are purely cash, quite an expensive morning/afternoon when the dym and mtts are factored in but still well in profit +145 on cash so have to look at the bigger picture as it all averages out. Session 1: Hours: 1 Profit/loss: -£30.41 Session 2: Hours: 1 hour 30 minutes Profit loss:-£47.21
    Posted by benc

    Do you know I am a normal level headed human being until I start playing poker (well nearly) and it turns me into a deranged nutter.

    I found some really good rebuy mtts on party, and jj/dohhh has introduced me to I just wish sky would run more but seem to be banging my head against a brick wall. Did you know JJ sounds and acts just like karl pilkington out of an idiot abroad! Theres your thought for the day. 

  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited May 2013
    Hand 3 you played well imo, ul.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for feedback Splashies.

    Finished another 45 minute session, cut it short early- played awful donated someone £22 on a bluff at 20nl tried repping a monster got called down by top pair mediocre kicker, no complaints just silly trying stupid bluffs when i havnt got solid reads they will fold to aggression unless they have very strong holdings, should probably avoid 20nl 200bb deep for the minute whilst i'm trying to be a hero. Then at 10nl two of my tables i decided to go into calling mode when i got raised on the river multiple times probably because of earlier- they can't always have it right?, each time i called i had in fact been rivered and they would show up with the flush/straight then right at the end of the session i get raised in exact same situation on the river so i make the lay down and an oppo shows the bluff, minutes before he had rivered a flush and put in the same raise- so wp, the show hurt lol but at least it made me stop. No more poker today, start afresh tomorrow. 100 swing either way over the course of a 2-3 days at 10nl and 20nl need to nit up!

    Session 3:
    Hours: 45 minutes
    Profit/Loss: £-38.17
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Managed to book a win, will keep it short. i know i said i wouldn't be on untill tomorrow, but we all knew that was never going to be the case only thing that gets me through revision is sitting folding 99.9% of hands at nl10 lol, Regged two mtts and was just going to chill out play and them, the first one a £5,50 £200 guarenteed within about  10 hands i 3bet KK oppo hits trip 2s on the turn with q2o gg, so im saddled with the £2.20 deepstack which one tabling after recently 4 tabling in all my sessions was just a drag so loaded up 10nl and got playing determined to end the night on a positive, managed to win 2-3 decent pots- the river was still being unkind but luckily only in small pots which is an improvement on earlier.

    Session 4:
    Hours: 1 hour 15 minutes
    Tables (4 10nl)

    Overall profit on cash stands at £122.01, had a horrid couple of sessions earlier but if i was offered even half of this profit on friday morning i would of snapped it off. Lets hope i got my horrid session out the way and can start the week well. c4p is 3934, if i can get around 100ish points a day until the end of may wil hit the 5k target which i thought was unrealistic. Maybe as that is bonus money i will take a shot at a 50nl mc table or a big tournament or something- cue a waiting list the size the site has never seen.

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Summary for the day, i'm going to start updating at the end of the day with an overall summary rather than constantly updating throughout the day whilst i have alot of time, as i don't want to clog up the top of the forum and it is probably quite annoying to see the same diary at the top of the forum for those who are not interested.

    Morning i played awful, i overplayed every draw i had, made a stupid 4bet and overbet jam on flop which a fellow reg made a good call against. I think i have problems playing 100bb atm as due so much experience playing 200bb deep at 10nl i think i'm in a shortstack mindset and thus overplay hands- will sort that out though. Anyway i played 4 tables at 10nl 2mc and had a loss of £46.91 in an hour and a half, which really at 10nl is just pure spew if your not even getting coolered alot. Also played about 7 husngs where i lost another £20,don't know why i thought it would be good to play a game i have no confidence in after losing alot on cash, standard donk-logic, anyway i ran hurrendously in about 6 games at 5.25 turbos so played 1 £10 hyper- gg btw mariusz i actually don't mind losing the odd one to you in brutal fashion, have alot of respect for the amount of grinding you do at them games takes some discipline.

    Decided to put a decent grind in tonight so i played 4 hours between 7.30-11.30 as i saw joe stapleton was on the channel so thought would be good to watch that, only two tabled 10nl mastercash whilst playing the main and mini, busted the main but cashed in 16th in the mini with couple of bountys to pay for them with a tiny profit. Cash went much better, i think playing the mtts helped me stay patient, ended up +£51.47 across the two tables which was great as it meant i made back the money i donated earlier.

    so nice to book a small win in cash after the -4.5bi start of the day, maybe soon i will have a spell of nice small wins rather than being so swingy. Still i'm trying to drum it into myself not to be too connected to each sessions results and just take account of the overall profit and the average per session across them all which is very good so far, i'm sure i will get better mentally with this as i gain more experience of grinding cash regularly.

    Overall today for cash
    Hours: 5 hours 45 minutes
    Profit: £4.56

    Just to highlight the swings so far- all of my sessions profits/loss. Highest point i hit was £223, the lowest was £75. Cutting out the 20nl 200bb tables for the minute should mean the figures are not so large, but still is an interesting period of adapting to what i imagine are quite regular ups and downs in cash,

    Overall profit stands at : +£126.57

    Average profit/loss per session is +£9.73p atm, with the average session length being 1 hour 50 minutes.

  • Mariusz80Mariusz80 Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2013
    Hi benc.

    Nice reed as usual and a very nice start to your cash journey.

    It really was brutal the way you lost a game with me (J7>AA and A3>AQ if i remember correctly). Like I said in the chat box I was running very bad untill that moment and suddenly got super lucky against you and then went on a 9 wins in a row streak after. Funny how it can change so quickly sometimes. Maybe when youre running bad the key is to find someone who is running even worse??

    I don't grind this month as much. The first reason is that with the new C4P there is no reason to try and push to get to priority . Getting 5k-7k points is the best for me atm.
    Second reason is that I'm quite busy at work + my wife is 33 weeks pregnant so spending more time with her and getting ready for arrival of our little angel :) Guess soon I won't get time to play almost at all... We shall see.

    GL at the tables
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the post, anytime you are on a bad run in the hypers search me out and i'm sure i can turn that around for you very quickly lol, i do agree though funny with them games how one bit of luck can suddenly change your fortunes- suddenly your more positive maybe trust your instincts and have confidence in making the right decisions more consistentl, start winning a few more flips and its an easy game again. Good luck at the tables, if anything the upcoming arrival of a new child is a great excuse to grind, get up in the night to feed them/ get in a quick hour grinding the hypers whilst doing so... lol
  • Mariusz80Mariusz80 Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2013
    Well, thats what I'm hoping for and why I switched from MTT's to HU hypers. Won't have time to play a few hours MTT and with hypers can always stop session any time...

    By the way, had one of the worst and most brutal sessions. Where were you to change my run bad?? LOL Whenever you think that finally youre running ok, then session like this happens and boom, you're just slapped in your face and put back on the ground.
    How many times your KK or QQ can loose to A rag?? All of them!!! When they call a shove for 15BB with 75o what flop will come?? 689!!! Sigh Played plenty of them but still struggle sometimes with a run like this. 
    Anyway, have to go to work now (probably a good thing) - the things will have to change eventually...
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