It really is not poker just to go all in preflop.At the smaller stakes sit and go this has become the norm. Might as well play roulette.
Is this a modern trend or are the presenters on the TV chanel promoting this. Some poorer players are leaving tournements in the first few hands after shoving with almost anything[especially in position]
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I would like to think the Analysts on Channel 861 advocate a whole range of different ways of playing hands, everyone should do what best suits them, & the circumstance. We certainly do advocate that as long as people play within the rules, they should try & mix it up a bit. People are whloly entitled to play any way they wish with their own money, & as their opponent, we have to find ways to combat their strategy.
Life in the Jakally household must be quite something.
PS - Rylan ftw.
I so got owned there......
I admit this isn't necessarily when you're 100BB's deep but each to there own
I do see a few of these and i wnder what they have especially when you get an AI with a 100 bb stack in the first couple of levels. What range do people think they have generally. I'm thinking mpprs myself.After all, it an't be prem prs can it? Thoughts guys?