I thought bounty hunters were all about getting heads. I dont think there are many players that would not have called when in the big blind, have a good chip stack and it is only 270 more to call. Would you think it was an automatic call? All i got for this call was continuous abuse and even following me with the abuse when tables change. result i hit a full house with my three. He had aces. yerActionCardsAmountPotBalanSceITIZIMESmall blind 40.0040.003540.00karllukeBig blind 80.00120.005292.50 Your hole cards3K kettle9930Fold Stevo_meFold HubzterAll-in 352.50472.500.00Boab21Fold ITIZIMECall 312.50785.003227.50karllukeCall 272.501057.505020.00Flop
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ignore him and he is the one who gets upset.
The only complication is that this isn't a call just against the shortstack. The second player in the hand is likely to have better than K3 and we don't want to get into a situation of putting in lots of chips through the streets with K3. We do have position but I'd probably fold.
Of course, it depends on the relative value of the bounty and on the range we perceive the small blind to have. If he can have a very wide range then we might want to 3-bet rather than call. We can't be relying on making the best hand against this player down the streets if we want our pre-flop call to be profitable in the long-run. We need to be able to take it away from him at some stage if we don't make our hand.