Hi all,
Point of the post is im looking at the best way to effectivley build a roll to a certain level to which I can start making roughly £300-400 per month from pokers including rakeback/C4P etc.
Bit of background info been playing poker for couple of years nothing serious just splashing around different sites/formats/levels etc, never moving above micro stakes, I am looking to dedicate my time and effort into developing my game in one particular format weather that be cash,husng's, MTT's, I work full time so have about 10-15 hours a week in which i can dedicate to my poker including study.
My starting roll would be around the £100 mark.
So my questions are:
In peoples opinions what is the best format for me to concentrate on to build my roll
What sort of levels should I be starting at given my BR/experience
Do we think making £300-400 per month is realistic for someone who has never really played above Micro's but is committed to learning and developing as a player.
What sort of level do we need to get to to be achieving this Monthly return £10nl? 20nl?
Cheers in advance
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wee; its all about 90 skill 10% luck, never bet above your weight always play tight,
the main thing is know your percentages and generally you will do fine until the final 20 of a main tournamentmaybe look at getting into a mini and buiding your roll from there, if you get in the main its a bonus but you will be playing a lot of pros and take the loses as a learning experaince.
In Response to Bankroll Builders!!:
Cash - good win rate = 6BB/100, so roughly 5BB/hour so @ 10NL you're making 50p per hour per table. So if you can 6table (£3 per hour) you need to put like 130 hours in per month, again not easy and to 6table 10NL and be withdrawing regular I'd say you want £500+
Hu SnGs are a very good way of building a roll imo and also quite easy to develop a winning style that will beat most fishy players on Sky.
Basically, to be making £300 - £400 per month, you're gonna need a roll much bigger than £300 - £400. I'd make your initial goal building a roll up to say £1000, see what you beat to get there and assess how much time you'd need to put in to make the money you are aiming at.
One thing to remember is, you can be the best player in the world and you will still have months were you lose or barely break even.
Once you work out per number of games or bb/hour then you increase volume to increase total monies
Your not even winning yet over a decent sample size
Meaning just because you have a good month doesn't mean it's sustainable
chill, win first think about total monies after - otherwise you may have to ask yoruself how much your losing per month
- if your playing micros you'll be lucky to win £200 a month