ok have a roll of £55 and going to start trying to build into a decent amount
will be playing low stt and a few mtt
going to play step dym from 2-5 only till bankroll increases
dont see the point in just playing and not getting anything out of it so i will withdraw money but only 25% of the winnings made and keep 75% on my b/r just to make it feel like real lol (this will happen maybe one a year if lucky lol )
my aim really is to be able to have enough to take the family to Disney for christmas as they keep asking to go and the little one is now at the age he will understand and enjoy it (plus i want to go as well lol )
i will post up hands and any advise is welcome from all ( past is past )
starting roll £55
here goes
0 ·
can i come too? lol
(* *)
good start so far
£2.10 hu
£3.15 hu
£2.25 dym
£3.30 dym
£3.30 £150 b/h lost kq into ak
up to £60.90 moving the right way so far
but might leave it to once a month again only 25% of winnings
if i leave it all on there's nothing really to show for it type thing even though it's still there it just feels like play money
will have to see how it goes and if i feel i want to withdraw
had £1.70 over the £55 so put a bet on football just for a bit of fun if it comes in i wont have to worry about making any withdraws lol
not bad for £3.30
well day 1 over
after a really good start but it fell apart,went in ahead with alot of hand and got outdrawn every time
lost kk to ak aj about 10 times and the ace hit every time
start roll £55
end roll £59.87
profit £4.97
nothing much but its the right way
at this rate might be able to take my great great great grandkids to Disney lol
hopefully today will be better
what other comments where there?
the lol was only because you kept raising and calling any 2
still thanks for posting at least it's saved you some money taking time to Wright this out rather than playing