So, I love mini UKOPS, I'm always excited when it's announced and try to ensure I will get to play as much of it as possible...
Imagine my absolute horror, then, on being met with the
We've been unable to verify your age. Please enter your driving licence or passport details below message... only, there is no 'below'. There's also no Live Chat available so I've had to email my document...
See you in 72 hours. Great timing. FML

Has this happened to anyone else this week?
In case you hadn't seen (and possibly to add to your frustrations), you have also won a spot in the Las Man Standing HU promo with your round 1 match due to take place on Friday.
Good luck getting it sorted!
Best of luck in Las Man Standing btw, rooting for you mate.
Obviously this wasn't on Sky, but these things can be fairly quick at times
Thanks again Dues, but I won't hold my breath on that kind of turnaround time
gl tonight the pair of you - I'll probably end up lurking around the Mini UKOPS lobbies (like a total sad act, wondering what might have been) whilst grinding my other site. If I see you going deep I'll give you a rail.
Imagine being half way through knocking one out when suddenly the action stops and a pop up flicks up requesting you to prove you're an adult before the storyline continues.
Use your mobile phone and go on Skybet (not Sky poker). click on 'my account' ( top right) scroll down passed open bets, just above help and support there should be a 'verify account' tab press that it asks you to pick which documents you can provide ( i sent driving licence and bank statement to make sure) the software then asks you to take photo's of them. After i did this it then said it would take up to 72 hours to be checked so i contacted live chat (remember to do this through Skybet) and ask them if they need any more documents or info sending when he checked what i had sent he said everything was ok and verified my account happy
Only just seen this @safc71 Thanks for the tip. I might try contacting them through Live Chat tomorrow afternoon/evening (Live Chat was down earlier when I was trying to do that) if I'm still locked out to see if that might speed up the process in the same way it did for you - can't do any harm to try.
Don't give up.
I scored 1 point on Day 1 of the last Series-I didn't play Day 2.
Well done.
The office were unable to put you in the Las Man Standing Lobby earlier, (you are "Match 4" I believe, currently showing just 1 player), but left the slot open in the hope that the issue could be addressed in time. I'll mention it to the office that you are now sorted.
The VBOL in tonight's Mini UKOPS, & for the rest of the Series. The Leaderboard is amazingly tight, so anyone can still win it even if you've missed a day or 2.