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The Less Obvious Peaks & Troughs of Poker

mushroom1mushroom1 Member Posts: 645
Nothing too general allowed, we're talking about the specific ups and downs of poker.

1. Timing the break perfectly by coming back from the fridge with 0:09secs on the clock.
2. "Buying" the small chips in live tournaments in the old days - this isn't like Monopoly, if you were given the role of banker, in this case, it meant you had the means to cope (chips).

1. Calling an all-in from an 8bb stack with ATs, only to find they actually woke up with AK.
2. Getting a walk with AA. Cosmic.
3. Calling up the hand calculator after something horrible has happened, just so you can quote the exact %'s to the other half when telling the story (plot twist: they aren't really listening). I just leave mine up at all times, it's easier.
4. The death of pot-limit hold'em.

Please add to the list.


  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited May 2020

    Raising 4 in a row with blind stealing hands, getting them all through, then wake up with Aces and get shoved and re-shoved on after raising the 5th hand in a row.
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,467
    Cammykaze said:


    Raising 4 in a row with blind stealing hands, getting them all through, then wake up with Aces and get shoved and re-shoved on after raising the 5th hand in a row.

    I've just amended my notes on you....hmmmm
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    Blind stealing hands being 88+/AJ+/KQ+ Danny ;)
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    - Getting a walk holding junk - especially when blinds are higher/later stages of tournaments
    - Having a sitout in a DYM tourney - especially on the bubble when you have more chips than them and/or they're sitting to your left or right.
    - Players shoving on you when you hold the nuts
    - AIPF with a higher pocket pair to see them hit their set on the flop, then you then hit yours on the turn/river

    - Multiple stallers on the bubble of a large MTT - especially when the bubble has actually burst
    - Players betting into a dead pot with air
    - Losing an AIPF against the same cards (flush)
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    Troughs. Bluffing on river, repping your opponents hand.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    Peak:- hero call gone great
    Trough:- hero call gone very badly
  • MARK277MARK277 Member Posts: 118
    Trough - Flopping the nuts and think you are trapping your opponent the money goes in and it’s a split pot
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    peak: immediately noticing when its gone to an addon break so you can sit there smugly looking at your opponents stacks knowing 1-2 very likely havent realised.

    trough; losing a flip for 95%+ of your stack after getting impatient then getting AA next hand
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    peak: getting through two sats to get to the main
    trough: lasting ten minutes in said main , infuriating that
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,467
    Cammykaze said:

    Blind stealing hands being 88+/AJ+/KQ+ Danny ;)

    That good? I normally shove steal blinds with far worse hand than that...👹
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited May 2020
    MARK277 said:

    Trough - Flopping the nuts and think you are trapping your opponent the money goes in and it’s a split pot

    To add to this

    Having the nuts say a straight on the turn, money goes in and opponent has the freeroll with the same straight and the backup chance of the flush and they ... hit! :(

    Much more likely in Omaha this situation of course however in HE it's a nasty one.
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