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Tanking on the bubble

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 162,027

This morning, Shaun Deeb, rarely one for decorum & grace, called out Phil Hellmuth - who probably thinks decorum is wallpaper - for stalling/tanking on the bubble.

There's an interesting side story here. If you had purchased some of Hellmuth's action (or anyone's really) would you approve of them tanking on the bubble?


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    kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,539
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    EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,317
    Yes but did he fold kings?
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    WilhelmWilhelm Member Posts: 1,730
    From an EV perspective, if the rest of the short stacks in the field are tanking on the bubble and Phil isn't, he is giving an edge away. So if it's my money, tank away Phil.
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    RinkhalsRinkhals Member Posts: 212
    The way I see it is every ss is tanking you'd be mad not to. I've always been of the opinion that the clock is a bit like being given a free card when you're drawing. You wouldn't pass that opportunity up so running the clock in that situation is fine by me.

    It's down to the tourny organiser to synch the tables if they want to stop players tanking.

    It's good game strategy and even synching the tables you can run the clock if say you're on the button and a villain is 1 off the button with the blinds increasing and putting them all in one hand before you.
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    glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    I see it as part of the game , the Master staller David Lappin gives some fun tips on @thechiprace ,Dealer dance my fav lol , blocking the new dealer coming in .
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    CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    Played a tourney where the "Master Staller" bubbled or near bubbled once.

    Was more of a "master flouncer" if you ask me..... 🤣😂😎
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    CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    Back to the topic on hand.

    Part of the game, I don't agree with Shaun here. Same thing happens on Sky, happens elsewhere etc.
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