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Decorum on chat boxes

BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
edited November 2010 in Poker Chat

Many people say that "You always have the option to turn the chat function off." As if that gives them a license to say what they like. The odd exasparated "idiot" is just venting frustration and understandable I suppose, but not some of the stuff that gets posted.

Why should we turn the chat boxes off? Sky poker is much more than a place to play poker: it's a social site, where many people come to commune with others. I've met many people on here who are very friendly: they ask how my kids are; I ask how their jobs are going; some I've even met in the 'real world'

Why should we read foul-mouthed abuse, even though it is not directed at us?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited June 2009

    It's very simple Mr Bluster - may I call you Big?

    You do NOT have to, nor should you,  put up with foul-mouthed abuse from the Chat-Box. If you see Chat that is out of line, just contact Support. Trust me, they will sort it. They operate a "Yellow Card-Red Card" system, & it works.

    As you say, many of us just enjoy chilling on the Rail, that's half the attraction, & we don't need ill-mannered nincumpoops to spoil the party.

    Abuse in the Chat-Box results in Chat-Bans, or worse.
  • dowzerdowzer Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2009
    I would like to see a report button incorporated into the poker interface whereby we can report inappropriate people and behaviour directly to support via a button click without having to remember the hand number and player names etc for later.

    Personally I would never go to the trouble of reporting someone regardless of what they say - the current process is just too long and convoluted which I guess means only the most serious incidents get reported thereby stopping minor two people having a few minor words tying up support staff.

    Its a tough one but, as already said, if it really does offend you don't just sit back and accept it or, worse still, reduce your Sky Poker experience because of someone else.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited June 2009

    Fair points Dowzer.

    Note also that Chat is monitored, so it often gets picked up anyway.

    But if you do Report it, you don't need the hand number - just give Support the player Alias, & roughly what time the incident occurred, & that's all they need, they can trace it back from that.
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited June 2009
    Agreed with you tikay. My girlfriend whom is getting into poker was playing on the playmoney tables yesterday to get the basics in her head. Only to be met by name calling (female dog etc) in the chat box. I reported to online support. It is inexcusable at any level.
  • YoungUnYoungUn Member Posts: 422
    edited June 2009
    I have to disagree with Big on one very small factor. I think it's quite legitimate to say "You have the option to turn the chat off" when people on the table complain at you for holding a conversation. There are FAR too many times where i've been talking to phil12uk, FlashFlush or others where people would tell us to "get a room" while im explaining a hand I played at my local gala the night before . We have the right to use the chat facility and since we're not abusing it we'll continue to do so whether the other people at the table like it or not.

    However, I wholeheartedly agree that when people ARE abusing the chat facility, i.e through needling other players, then they DO NOT have a right to tell us to turn the chat off.
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited June 2009
    Agreed with you Yougun. It's a chat box to chat with! but it's definately not an abuse box.
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited June 2009
    I would love to see how some of these people get away with it!! Myself and Youngun were chatting before and were called all the usual stuff that he's mentiones above by a player. We both complained about the guy at that time yet when I played vs him a few days later nowt had happened and he was still the same.  If there's a yellow card system could it not be put in a corner of their avatar so everyone knows who is on a 'final warning'?  As chat is monitored the guy couldn't be provoked and it would be a constant reminder to him that he needs to watch his lip!  Perhaps a month of that would deter players from doing it again?
  • Yorkie74Yorkie74 Member Posts: 347
    edited June 2009
    I got an email from sky chat people warning me on foul and abusive language and if it happened again I would get banned.  I was a bit peeved as had only called someone an idiot - and rightly so as he was a total idiot.  I really object to getting the email when I see people calling others the c word and all the effing and blinding that goes on in the rooms.  Definitely needs moderating closer for the real foul and abusive language.
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited June 2009
    I agree. 2 players I know called someone a donk and they got chat banned instantly!! How is it that calling a player 'donk' is worthy of a lengthy chat ban but going f****r is ok?????????? Definate closer moderating needed!
  • MBroughtonMBroughton Member Posts: 101
    edited June 2009
    Personally i just with the chat box could keep up with fast typers.
    Or, as the sky chat would say: "psnaly I jst wi t ch box coul ke upwi fa tyes"


  • TorryladdTorryladd Member Posts: 503
    edited June 2009
    The amount of times I have been called a Scottish ****** OR a Sheep S*****r is unreal.  I dont report them but they aint being monitered either.
  • Blight1Blight1 Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2009
    so tempted to put my 2 cents worth in
  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited June 2009
    I must say, I sometimes find it hilarious watching ppl abuse me/others, esp when they are being given it back. Some of the conversations Ive seen are side splitting
  • Blight1Blight1 Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2009
    philuk im permantly banned m8
  • Blight1Blight1 Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2009
    2 and out
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited June 2009
    Jeez. My notes on u are of being v chatty and a good bloke. What happened to change? Or was it WHO got at ya?
  • bobcat52bobcat52 Member Posts: 568
    edited June 2009
    On a particular site (not here obviously) you get the usual obnoxious snotty nosed americans who try to give you what for when you beat them out of a few chips.

    I used to let it get to me but now I find it pathetically funny. When you give them some back they mostly change their tack. I find that calling them 'Colonials' will have an effect. It tends to set them off on one. 50% of them will take umbrage and will play almost anything to teach the 'limey' a lesson while with the other 50% it's completely above their heads as to what you're referring to and they start asking questions about Robin Hood (i'm from Nottingham btw).

    On this site I've (as yet) to come across any abuse and long may it be so.

    Good luck at the tables.....
  • YoungUnYoungUn Member Posts: 422
    edited June 2009
    In Response to Re: Decorum on chat boxes:
    philuk im permantly banned m8
    Posted by Blight1
    Lol, I remember playing a satellite with you and when we got near the bubble I asked you to show your hand (when you got a walk on the BB) if you could read what we were saying in the chatbox and you did, haha that was fun.

    In answer to Phil's question I'm going to guess one or two stray 'idiot's too many?
  • Blight1Blight1 Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2009
    yeah still follow the chatbox
  • Blight1Blight1 Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2009
    hence the show ;)
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