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harry n meg

stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
discuss :o
do the general public care about this
will it damage the family or will it be the other way round


  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,084
    stokefc said:

    discuss :o
    do the general public care about this
    will it damage the family or will it be the other way round

    The public care, but probably not a lot. Probably more about newspapers selling newspapers, and TV stations boosting ratings.

    Will it damage the family? Pretty dysfunctional before this. Only Edward of the generation above not divorced.

    She comes across rather poorly-"my kids won't be princes waah" etc. Also shows a total lack of understanding as to the role of Royals, which is probably more Harry's fault. Playing the race card in this manner is also pretty poor.

    Anyone who only has 1 family member at their wedding is probably not great at family matters...

    Long history of younger siblings (the "spare") failing to appreciate that they are largely irrelevant once the heir has a family. Think Prince Andrew, Princess Margaret and you get the picture.

    Always amuses me at such times when the public demands that Royal titles are removed, etc. Royalty is not Democracy.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,361
    In before haysie posts reams of newspaper articles.

    She is starting too many battles on too many fronts.

    I think shes a wrongun, she doesn't want publicity , then agrees to go on Oprah and Corban, so does she want publicity or not ?

    Harry just does as hes told.

    Also, I dont really care and I just skim headlines so I am ill informed.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    Mumsie it was the ginger Dad'sie ! the problem, introduced runt in the Family D.N.A.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • RinkhalsRinkhals Member Posts: 212
    You'd think Harry would have had a quiet word with her that you don't you don't pick a fight with the Crown. Never ends well for those that do.
  • tai-gartai-gar Member Posts: 2,715
    Rinkhals said:

    You'd think Harry would have had a quiet word with her that you don't you don't pick a fight with the Crown. Never ends well for those that do.

    Memo to Meghan - Definitely don't go through the tunnels in France or anywhere else.
  • RinkhalsRinkhals Member Posts: 212
    @tai-gar some would say that comments still too soon oooooo lol
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,466
    edited March 2021
    This video explains the dress...
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,084
    lucy4 said:
    Did she borrow that dress from Monica Lewinsky?
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,466
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,466
    edited March 2021
    A Californian woman has started a fundraising page to pay Prince Harry’s mortgage after the royal moaned to Oprah that he had been financially “cut off” by his family.

    The Duke of Sussex, 36, complained he had to dip into late mum Princess Diana’s huge inheritance during the first quarter of 2020, as he was shunned following Megxit.

    Harry and Meghan said they wanted to be financially independent as they quit the Royal Family.

    But despite Harry and wife Meghan’s subsequent mega-deals with Netflix and Spotify – worth more than £100million – his whining to the chat show queen has moved one woman to act.

    Anastasia Hanson, 56, set up the ‘Harry and Meghan $5 Donation to Buy Home’ on website GoFundMe two days after the Sussex’s sit-down with Oprah.

    She wants to raise the giant figure of £7.1million to pay off Harry’s mortgage on his £11million, nine-bedroom home in Montecito, California – but has collected just £78.64 so far.

    Insisting her fundraiser is no joke Anastasia, from Ventura “I like to help people and help them in any way I can.

    “That gives me happiness. If you needed a home, I’d do the same for you. It’s a good deed.”

    Asked about Harry’s big money deals, Anastasia confirmed: “I am aware of them.”

    Her GoFundMe states that she wants two million of Harry and Meg’s fans to donate just $5 each in order to reach her ambitious goal.

    She reiterates that it is a “legitimate” fundraiser.

    On the GoFundMe site, she says: “I am raising funds to pay off the mortgage for the Montecito, California home of Harry and Meghan.

    “When they came to the USA they were without jobs and with limited funds.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,084
    edited March 2021
    Got to love a Royal fall-out. The sense of entitlement is just staggering.

    Imagine you had a family firm that had been running for generations. Tradition decrees that the oldest son gets to be MD, regardless of ability. Might seem strange, but it has largely worked for a long time.

    2nd eldest gets an important role as of right, but not the top job.

    Flounces off in a way that either me or @Jac35 can only gasp at. And we are experts :)

    I'm not defending the British press-said some pretty racist stuff on the subject. As an example, people without a royal lineage have married into the family before-but none of the various white commoners have been from "the Hood".

    I will defend Piers Stephan Pughe-Morgan (his actual name!). I don't agree with everything he says, but there is no side to him-he just (endlessly) spouts his genuine opinions. I wish he'd let others speak more, but I don't want him silenced.

    Let's look at the actual allegations v the Royal Family:-

    1. Someone referred to the possible colours of skin of Archie. Doesn't say who-tries to get her husband's entire family under suspicion. Nasty. No names, no context.

    2. Charles avoided Harry's calls for a while. That would be the son who tries to trash his family, refuses to do the job he is trained for, demands "independence" while simultaneously demanding money. And he reveals it after he agrees to take calls. Think we've all had kids a bit like that. For about 5 minutes. But they moan to their friends. Not the whole nation, for money.

    3. Deliberately leak a biased view of recent conversations. Without wishing to sound obvious, if 2 people fall out, and can't resolve their differences, that is not all the fault of 1 side. Unless you are 3 years old.

    To be honest, I am not a fan of the whole monarchy thing. But alternatives seem worse, and the Royals either work extremely hard for the Family, or don't take the money, directly or indirectly.

    With 1 exception.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    I don't think he's come out of this very well as our Harry to the British public anyway , the Yanks are lapping it up
  • HANSONHANSON Member Posts: 903
    I feel sorry for Harry ,

    he unloads on his family in the interview , his father is reportedly furious with him ,

    And so is Prince Charles
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    The Royals have always had 2 edicts to live by
    1, Never complain
    2, Never explain

    This D list celebrity wannabe ( our family and friends in the U.S. had never heard of her before she get her claws into Harry) has in my opinion, set out from the very beginning to engineer this whole thing.

    Her fabrications are extraordinary.

    1, She claimed she didn't know who he was when she met him yet she attended a party hosted by him 2 years earlier.

    2, That the Clooneys were close personal friends. George and his wife have both gone on record as saying they did not even know her. But as George later stated "You don't refuse an invitation from Windsor"

    3, She was tired of press intrusion. Yet it was fine to sell exclusives to Hello and OK and any other paying source.

    4, The Netflix millions and other tv deals came out of the blue. Yeah right and I own 50 acres of beachfront property in Stoke you can buy for just £500,000.

    5, She knows that Harry was very troubled by his mothers apparent mental health issues and then a, hits him with the "I can't be left alone" line and then b, says the family wouldn't help re access to counselling. I'd wager there were plenty of discreet places that she could've sought help.

    Having divorced herself from her family she now seems determined to divorce Harry from his, she is in my opinion a calculating, manipulative, conniving, attention seeking, limelight hogging tramp.

    Harry it would seem is just besotted, lost and now without hope, family or friends.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,466
    The funeral should be interesting or are the non show excuses already being planned.
  • HANSONHANSON Member Posts: 903
    lucy4 said:

    The funeral should be interesting or are the non show excuses already being planned.

    could be ,
    just like the reading of the will ,

    oh well, just have to wait till Megs spills the beans to Ophra or Gayle or one of her friends ..
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