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Nicola Sturgeon to resign?

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
edited February 2023 in The Rail
Strong rumours Ms Sturgeon will announce her resignation as Scottish First Minister this morning.

She seems to be a divisive character, loved & despised in equal measure. I don't really follow Scottish politics closely, but I quite admire her, & she seems to communicate well.

Guess there will be a backstory soon enough, but she seems to have upset many folks with her views on gender recognition. To be fair, that's a very hot potato indeed & a very difficult one to grapple with. I don't envy anyone in politics trying to square that particular circle as people's views are generally entrenched.



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,665
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    edited February 2023
    Enut said:



    I don't have much knowledge of Scottish politics Tuney, but why do you think it's a good thing?

    I don't have a strong position either way really, though at a superficial level I like her, but I'm interested to learn.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,665
    Tikay10 said:

    Enut said:



    I don't have much knowledge of Scottish politics Tuney, but why do you think it's a good thing?

    I don't have a strong position either way really, though at a superficial level I like her, but I'm interested to learn.
    I don't agree with her agenda to have another referendum on Scottish independence but it's mainly due to her recent stance on allowing transgender prisoners to be housed in female prisons. If she can't see how that is being/will be manipulated and the danger it poses to female prisoners then she doesn't deserve to be in a position of power, in my opinion.

    p.s. this isn't meant to start a huge debate over trans issues. I am entitled to my opinion and as someone who has a biology degree I think I have earned that right.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    Enut said:

    Tikay10 said:

    Enut said:



    I don't have much knowledge of Scottish politics Tuney, but why do you think it's a good thing?

    I don't have a strong position either way really, though at a superficial level I like her, but I'm interested to learn.
    I don't agree with her agenda to have another referendum on Scottish independence but it's mainly due to her recent stance on allowing transgender prisoners to be housed in female prisons. If she can't see how that is being/will be manipulated and the danger it poses to female prisoners then she doesn't deserve to be in a position of power, in my opinion.

    p.s. this isn't meant to start a huge debate over trans issues. I am entitled to my opinion and as someone who has a biology degree I think I have earned that right.


    OK, gotcha.

    It IS a tricky matter though, isn't it?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    edited February 2023

    There's an interestingly diverse range of views about Ms Sturgeon over on Twitter."Nicola Sturgeon"&src=trend_click&vertical=trends
  • tai-gartai-gar Member Posts: 2,714
    One of the few politicians I have any time for. Unfortunately her stance on some items have I am sure led to her resignation.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    tai-gar said:

    One of the few politicians I have any time for. Unfortunately her stance on some items have I am sure led to her resignation.


    Yes, that's pretty much my stance too.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,068
    edited February 2023
    The first way to judge politicians is to see how successful they are at the ballot box.

    And she has been extraordinarily successful in General Elections, and Scottish Elections. Although not in relation to Independence (although it was Salmond who actually failed to win).
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,928
    Unlike many politicians she seemed honest, and genuine.
    I wonder if the result of the referendum would have been the same if the Brexit referendum had been first.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,068
    HAYSIE said:

    Unlike many politicians she seemed honest, and genuine.
    I wonder if the result of the referendum would have been the same if the Brexit referendum had been first.

    Possibly not. It certainly rendered some of the "No" arguments as untrue due to Brexit.
    Same is true if it had been Sturgeon heading the campaign, rather than Salmond.
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,526
    The SNP has mostly failed in government, too many promises too many failures, MPs are all much of a muchness, promise the world deliver **** all.
    She spent too much time tryin to force through independence ( ah know that's what SNP is all about ), instead of running the country and tryin to get it back on it's feet after covid.
    Getting in bed with the Greens was never goin to work, they want rid of oil rigs when Scotland needs oil money, We can't afford to go on our own, independence at the moment would put us up shyte creek if were not already up there.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,295
    Is the next Fishy on the hook...... Angus Fish 6/4
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,355
    No, its re-sign.
    Resign for another 4 years.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562

    As resignation speeches go, I give that 9/10.
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,526
    Am not keen on her and her looney tune sister but after Perusing the papers today some of the abuse is a wee bit over the top, the Tories / right wing are like a bunch of sweetiewifes wettin they're pants,
    Here are a few of her failings ...

    1. Instead of ending delayed discharge in 2015 like they promised, in 2019/20 it cost the NHS
    £139 million.
    2. The SNP have broken their own legal Treatment Time Guarantee for patients over 380,000
    3. The 62 day waiting time standard for urgent cancer referrals has not been met since 2012.2
    4. 1 in 4 young people are still being rejected from specialist CAMHS services almost three
    years after an external review called for rejections to end.
    5. The water contamination scandal at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital caused almost
    40 infections in young cancer patients and the deaths of two children, but years on the
    families are still waiting for answers.
    6. The flaws in the construction of the delayed Edinburgh Sick Kids hospital led to the SNP
    paying £1.4million every month for an empty hospital which was not safe for patients.
    7. A decade of cuts has left the NHS with a maintenance and repairs backlog of £1.03billion.
    8. Increases to NHS funding in Scotland have failed to keep pace with those in England
    meaning Scotland’s health spending advantage has almost been completely lost.
    9. Life expectancy has stalled in Scotland and there is at least a ten year gap between the
    richest and poorest areas.
    Social Care
    10. The SNP have failed to deliver fair work in social care – nearly 1 in 5 workers are on
    insecure or temporary contracts and 15% of staff work unpaid overtime.
    11. As of January 2021, Scotland had the second highest rate of care home resident deaths
    from Covid-19 in Europe.
    12. At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, 3,000 untested patients and 123 positive patients
    were transferred to care homes – Health Secretary Jeane Freeman admitted the SNP “failed”
    the social care sector.

    Education and Childcare
    13. The number of full-time equivalent teachers in Scotland’s schools is 1,700 fewer than when
    the SNP assumed office in 2007.13 Additionally, more than 2,600 teachers have dropped or lost
    their professional registration over the last five years.
    14. The SNP’s failure to work with the SQA to create a credible and fair moderation system
    for exams in 2020 led to a grading system with inequality baked in and rushed u-turns from
    15. Failed to deliver their planned childcare expansion on time after years of opportunity to
    improve childcare for families.
    16. There are 578 fewer specialist teachers for children and young people with additional
    support needs compared with 2012, despite a near doubling of those with ASN.
    17. The SNP have failed to get all primary 1 – 3 pupils in classes with 18 or fewer despite
    promising to do so.
    18. They failed to deliver on their commitment to close the attainment gap despite
    almost a decade and a half in government and Nicola Sturgeon saying it was her “sacred
    19. Students have been let down by the SNP scrapping their 2007 pledge to end student
    debt, and they failed to return college student numbers to 2007 levels.
    20. They failed to scrap the Scottish National Standardised Assessments for Primary 1s, as
    instructed by Parliament.
    21. Forced to scrap their flawed Named Persons legislation and permanently shelve their
    proposed Education Bill.

  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,526
    And some more .........

    Economy and Jobs
    22. 350,000 people in Scotland still do not earn the Scottish Living Wage.
    24. SNP cuts to local government have stripped £937.5 million from non-ringfenced revenue
    25. The SNP have repeatedly broken their promise to scrap the “unfair council tax”.
    26. Before the pandemic, the Scottish economy had grown at roughly half the rate of the rest
    of the UK following the 2008 crash.
    27. In 2010 the SNP promised 130,000 green jobs by 2020 but instead the number of people
    directly employed had fallen to 21,400.
    28. The SNP’s mismanagement of Scotland’s manufacturing base has led to the loss of critical
    contracts and jobs in yards such as BiFab.

    28. There are 45,000 young people unemployed in Scotland following Covid-19 but the SNP
    young person’s guarantee only provided funding to create 18,000 job opportunities – offering
    support to only 40% of the young people who need it.
    Environment and Climate Change
    29. In 2016 the SNP promised to have the first low emission zone in place by 2018, but their
    delays to enacting the Transport Act means the first zones will not be in place before 2022 at
    the earliest.
    30. Since 2017, Nicola Sturgeon has promised the creation of a publicly owned energy
    company, but it has not got beyond the business case stage.
    31. After 8 rounds of funding the SNP have supported the purchase of only 53234 low emission
    buses, equivalent to only 12% of the Scotland’s total fleet. Continuing at this rate it will take
    65 year before all of Scotland’s buses are low emission.
    32. The SNP has failed to protect wildlife. 49% of species have decreased in abundance, and
    there has been little change in the rate of decline over the last 10 years. 1 in 9 species face
    extinction, including red squirrels, Scottish wildcats, and capercaillies. Scottish breeding
    seabirds have declined by 38%.38 A leaked Scottish Government report shows a 10 year target
    to prevent damage to marine wildlife has been missed.
    33. The SNP have slashed funding for major environment bodies – SNH, SEPA, Scotland’s
    Rural College, and the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.
    Transport & Connectivity
    34. Failed to deliver their promise of delivering superfast broadband to every home and
    business by 2021.
    35. The SNP have presided over a catastrophic ferry building contract which has seen two
    ships delayed by four years and running at least £100 million over budget.
    36. Bus services have been dismantled under the SNP, with many local routes disappearing
    and passenger numbers down by 25% since 2007.
    37. The SNP’s own cycling targets45 have been missed – they promised that by 2020 10% of all
    everyday journeys would be made by bicycle but it has been stuck at 1% for the last decade
    and from 2009-2019, active travel and transport actually decreased.
    38. Glasgow airport is still without a rail link and after the SNP scrapped not one, but two
    proposed projects.

    39. The SNP were failing to deliver their promise of 50,000 new affordable homes by 2021,
    even before Covid and in the end they missed they social homes target by over 22%.
    40. Their £60m First Home Fund was so inadequate that is closed to applications because it
    was exhausted only 5 working days after it reopened.
    41. The Fuel Poverty Bill failed to meet the ambitions of the SNP’s promised Warm Homes
    Bill, while figures show a quarter of households in Scotland are living in fuel poverty.
    Poverty & Social Security
    42. The proportion of Scottish pensioners stuck in persistent poverty has increased under the
    SNP and is now higher than levels elsewhere in the UK.
    43. More than one in four (260,000) of Scotland’s children are officially recognised as living in
    poverty and more than two-thirds of children in poverty live in working households.
    44. Despite welfare powers being devolved to Holyrood the SNP have twice delayed taking
    over control of benefits, choosing instead to leave them the responsibility of the with the UK
    Government and DWP.
    45. In 2015/16 the SNP cut funding for alcohol and drugs services and now Scotland has the
    highest drugs death rate in Europe; over 1,260 people lost their lives to drugs in 2019 alone.
    46. Food bank use has been rising, with the Trussell Trust recording a 75% increase in need in
    Scotland between 2015/16 and 2018/19.53 This pre-dates Covid-19, which saw further rises, and
    is a greater increase than in other parts of the UK. Meanwhile the SNP failed to introduce a
    Good Food Nation Bill.
    47. In 2007 the SNP promised to put more police on local streets but their centralisation of
    police forces has resulted in a reduction of over 500 local officers since 2017 alone.
    48. In the eight years since the creation of Police Scotland there have been at least four chairs
    of the Scottish Police Authority, three Chief Constables, and a recent independent report
    found serious flaws in Police Scotland’s misconduct proceedings, along with evidence of
    mistreatment of minorities across the institution.
    49. In 2013 the SNP closed a fifth of all sheriff courts56 and following Covid-19 there is now a
    backlog of over 34,000 court cases to be heard.
    50. The Scottish Government’s flawed sexual harassment policy led to the concession of a
    judicial review, costing the taxpayer over £500,000 and failed at least two women who had
    raised complaints.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Rab you missed the time she had the bottoms of classroom doors cut off because of Covid.
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