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was this a bad move ?

ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
IntotoSmall blind75.0075.003331.25
ckdBig blind150.00225.002130.00
Your hole cards
  • A
  • 9
  • 7
  • J
  • 4
ckdUnmatched bet120.004395.00120.00
  • A
  • 9
  • K
  • K
  • 10
  • 5
ckdWinFlush to the Ace4395.004515.00


  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    sorry dont know how to remove names
  • MagicMernMagicMern Member Posts: 35
    long term yes it was - you stacked off for 43.7% chance of winning - you are only beating a bluff but pretty obvious you were behind imo, but im biased because it was against me!
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    but those odds are only when you know both sets of cards. 150 raise to my big blind with your range could be kq kj k10 q10 j10 so that % means nothing unless i put you on ks.
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    so is it the wrong move before knowing cards
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    @ckd , out of interest was this a bounty hunter/freezeout or a DYM?
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    edited June 2023
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    edited June 2023
    ckd said:


    My knowledge of DYM play and spots isn't great, but I think my preferred play is to go all in pre with our 15 big blinds. Obviously this will depend on notes on villain, how often they've been opening, what sizings they've been using etc. But there's a lot of hands we're ahead of vs button opening range and we'll also force folds often. And if we end up all in pre vs a hand like pocket kings then we still win the hand around 30% of the time. Not sure I like flatting.

    As played and given the stack sizes, I think I would probably prefer to fold and wait for a better spot. You are right in saying that we don't know the villains hand and therefore our equity, but generally 3/4 pot sizings just scream strength and our hand isn't a profitable shove. We're rarely going to be ahead of anything (maybe occasionally KQ KJ K10, with one diamond or something similar) and our 3 ace outs might not always be live either.

    Personally, I don't think KK needs to c-bet anywhere near that big on the flop, especially with the K of diamonds in their hand.

    Probably be better waiting for a DYMs regular to read this and provide their view, but that's just my two cents worth.
  • ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
    Asho28 said:

    ckd said:


    My knowledge of DYM play and spots isn't great, but I think my preferred play is to go all in pre with our 15 big blinds. Obviously this will depend on notes on villain, how often they've been opening, what sizings they've been using etc. But there's a lot of hands we're ahead of vs button opening range and we'll also force folds often. And if we end up all in pre vs a hand like pocket kings then we still win the hand around 30% of the time.

    As played and given the stack sizes, I think I would probably prefer to fold and wait for a better spot. You are right in saying that we don't know the villains hand and therefore our equity, but generally 3/4 pot sizings just scream strength and our hand isn't a profitable shove. We're rarely going to be ahead of anything (maybe occasionally KQ KJ K10, with one diamond or something similar) and our 3 ace outs might not always be live either.

    Personally, I don't think KK needs to c-bet anywhere near that big on the flop, especially with the K of diamonds in their hand.

    Probably be better waiting for a DYMs regular to read this and provide their view, but that's just my two cents worth.
    Thanks for the input, i do agree that shoving isn't the right thing most time but was playing the player as well, i believed other play had big diamond but that nothing else.

    i know long run probable wrong but suppose all part of the game. we all need a bit of luck somtimes
  • River_FoxRiver_Fox Member Posts: 139
    dont see anything wrong with that?
  • edrichedrich Member Posts: 1,922
    These situations are driven by how well you know the villain.

    Some I would fold to pre. Some I would shove on pre. Not sure I'm calling many pre here.

    The folds and shoves could be influenced by recent gameplay too.

    As played, you're quite comfortable here and I'm not sure you need to take a gamble in this situation.
  • Bean81Bean81 Member Posts: 634
    Lokks fine to me if we're not GII pre. Villain's flop sizing makes me think we have no fold equity though.
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