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£1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(

shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
edited April 2010 in Poker Chat
wembley Small blind  10.00 10.00 1990.00
BubbleB Big blind  20.00 30.00 1980.00
  Your hole cards
  • A
  • A
shaun09 Raise  40.00 70.00 1960.00
young05 Raise  60.00 130.00 1940.00
moose190 Fold     
BOSS Call  60.00 190.00 1940.00
wembley Call  50.00 240.00 1940.00
BubbleB Fold     
shaun09 Raise  200.00 440.00 1760.00
young05 Call  180.00 620.00 1760.00
BOSS Call  180.00 800.00 1760.00
wembley Fold     
  • Q
  • 8
  • 10
shaun09 All-in  1760.00 2560.00 0.00
young05 All-in  1760.00 4320.00 0.00
BOSS All-in  1760.00 6080.00 0.00
shaun09 Show
  • A
  • A
young05 Show
  • K
  • 10
  • 9
  • J
  • Q
  • K
BOSS Win Straight to the King 6080.00  6080.00
There is nothing else i could of done is there?
Im not that great at poker as im not making any money just loosing it lol


  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited April 2010
    You could have raised more initially preflop and again when it came back round to you you could have pumped it right up. As it was you gave the last person to act 4:1 odds preflop so J9 is a go go go  situation. 

    Pump it pre and dont be afraid to have people fold to you when you have big hands, they might also get into the habit of folding when you have nothing :-)
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2010
    unfortunate,but you got to remember that AA is only 1 pair..and as there were 2 callers,theres quite a possibility that they hit the flop to some phaps a smaller bet to see where you are post-flop..its always hard to put AA down,but they are very beatable,especially early on in a tourney..
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited April 2010
    Oh you mean when i raised 220, i should of raised more?
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited April 2010
    I find it hard to go deep in tounrys, i dont have a big bank roll like most, so i played a freeroll other day to get entry into the 6k tounry, out of 900 people in the freeroll i came 3rd but in the tourny i went out fast. I just dont seem to go deep :( i am probably playing wrong
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    I find it hard to go deed in tounrys, i dont have a big bank roll like most, so i played a freeroll other day to get entry into the 6k tounry, out of 900 people in the freeroll i came 3rd but in the tourny i went out fast. I just dont seem to go deep :( i am probably playing wrong
    Posted by shaun09
    i have in the past gone out in much the same sort of way,get a good hand,bet big,get called,then go all-in when i think i must STILL be winning,i now realise that it doesnt matter how gr8 my holdings are,im still gonna get beat,sometimes....just not as often...and not for all my stack..
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited April 2010
    but I find i have a good hand eg ak aq ect i bet big, and then i dont hit and then some one bets and then i fold because i havent hit.
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    Oh you mean when i raised 220, i should of raised more?
    Posted by shaun09

    I would raise to 60 or 80 when it is first on me, then supposing i'd min raised got min 3 bet and a flat cawl i'd be making it about 400.

    Everyone is always complaining people call with too much, make use of that pump it up when you have aces!

    Tournaments are very high variance keep posting hands/discussing your game and the reasons why you do stuff and you'll get better. :-)
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    but I find i have a good hand eg ak aq ect i bet big, and then i dont hit and then some one bets and then i fold because i havent hit.
    Posted by shaun09
    its not often that you will hit,so you either,bet anyway or reraise their bet..nothing wrong with folding,not evry1s bluffing when they bet...
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited April 2010
    Ok thank you for your comments, i will add some more hands to discuss, and hopefully i will get better lol
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    Ok thank you for your comments, i will add some more hands to discuss, and hopefully i will get better lol
    Posted by shaun09

    Maybe next time you struggle with a hand, post the situation (how deep, what the tables likes, any recent hands that have been shown down, anyone tilting etc?), post positions, stack sizes, but dont post what hand you have. Then just ask people what hands they would require in this situation to do whatever action. Thinking about situations in terms of generalisations will really help. Oftentimes we can get blinkered by the absolute preflop strength of our hand (ie aces and dont want to fold) or the hand strength we make on the flop and cant adapt our play on later streets.
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    but I find i have a good hand eg ak aq ect i bet big, and then i dont hit and then some one bets and then i fold because i havent hit.
    Posted by shaun09
    here you go,my raise is called,the flop is poop,and tbh AJ is pretty poop,and i still risk evrything,and lose..just bad play..a lesson WAS learnt though..
    cheggersjn Small blind  25.00 25.00 1675.00
    philmenow Big blind  50.00 75.00 1285.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • J
    peteblue16 Fold     
    BLADE666 Raise  100.00 175.00 2565.00
    colalan Fold     
    mc1979 Fold     
    cheggersjn Call  75.00 250.00 1600.00
    philmenow Raise  200.00 450.00 1085.00
    BLADE666 Call  150.00 600.00 2415.00
    cheggersjn Fold     
    • 9
    • 2
    • 3
    philmenow All-in  1085.00 1685.00 0.00
    BLADE666 Call  1085.00 2770.00 1330.00
    philmenow Show
    • A
    • J
    BLADE666 Show
    • 4
    • 4
    • 6
    • 2
    BLADE666 Win Two Pairs, 4s and 2s 2770.00  4100.00
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited April 2010
    Ok I wil do that next time. i think i would of been better off not to get that hand at the start of the tourny.
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    Ok I wil do that next time. i think i would of been better off not to get that hand at the start of the tourny.
    Posted by shaun09
    lol,always get peeps who call with mediocre hands at the start...but id like AA every hand,anytime..
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited April 2010
    So you say you have a big hand preflop. you raise it and they call and you dont hit. what do you do then?
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    So you say you have a big hand preflop. you raise it and they call and you dont hit. what do you do then?
    Posted by shaun09
    continuation bet..or check raise...could even check call and see what happens on turn..(depending on the flop) its all about what you know of the other players etc..also, its easy to win when you get the monster hands,the hard bit is when you dont hit..
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited April 2010
    And i think it is when i dont hit and i make a bet is when im making the wrong move, i dunno where im going wrong but im sure you guys will tell me when you play me... i hope
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    So you say you have a big hand preflop. you raise it and they call and you dont hit. what do you do then?
    Posted by shaun09

    Reconsider what is abig hand early on in a tournament relative to later on in tournaments.
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited April 2010
    so you wouldnt say aa is strong at the start of a tourny compared to later on? no limpers i guess?
  • philmenowphilmenow Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    And i think it is when i dont hit and i make a bet is when im making the wrong move, i dunno where im going wrong but im sure you guys will tell me when you play me... i hope
    Posted by shaun09
    also earlier you said ud come 3rd of 900,you must be doing something right..these big tourneys are easy to lose at..if you raise with say AQ and ur called youv got to think about what theyr calling with,then see the flop,take it from there...somedays ur lukky ,other days they r lukky...
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: £1000 bounty hunter. im the first to go out :(:
    so you wouldnt say aa is strong at the start of a tourny compared to later on? no limpers i guess?
    Posted by shaun09

    Well when the blinds are 15/30 and you raise to 90 and someone calls. You have 1970 more chips to get into a pot of 180. One pair aces wont be winning that much when they want to get all the money in.

    Hence just smash the raise up pre and build a awesome-tastic big pot or take it down or get it in pre.

    Later when the blinds are 150/300 and you have 2100. Any pair is monster-tastically huge and you should raise your right arm, finger pointing in the air as you click all in!!!!
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