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  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited September 2022
    Tikay10 said:

    Ahh, I went off on one there.

    Note to self - don't reply to these sort of threads in the morning before I turn on my diplomacy filter & had my morning latte.

    In my day as a moderator on here I'd have deleted it for being nonsense and you'd never have known a thing, leaving you free to enjoy your latte :smiley:
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
    One of the worst players I've seen on this!! Plays any hand wins with dirt then cries and moans and cries some more when some one does it to him
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141

  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
    Colluding with Magicmern against me on bubble in 6 max. classless
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
    The love in continues

  • daggers747daggers747 Member Posts: 193
    if you think holdem is bad.
    Try playing hilo omaha for a week.
    Great little game at 7.18 every night .
    Daggers x
  • Angela124Angela124 Member Posts: 100
    Poor show that is the very definition of collusion, live chat will hopefully come to your assistance on that one
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
    Stay classy SKY!!

  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    edited July 2023

    if you think holdem is bad.
    Try playing hilo omaha for a week.
    Great little game at 7.18 every night .
    Daggers x

    It's certainly an experience! The general standard of the PLO8 on Sky is, in my opinion, abysmal. I'm not very good myself, but you see so many weird and wonderful plays in that 7:18 BH and it's amazing what people will do for a £1.88 bounty. Turns it into a right sh*thshow and who can smash the pot button the most. And obviously outdraws are pretty common in PLO8 anyway, so these Sky micro games are carnage.

    But I guess people enjoy the game of PLO8 and that's all that matters really.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    Asho28 said:

    if you think holdem is bad.
    Try playing hilo omaha for a week.
    Great little game at 7.18 every night .
    Daggers x

    It's certainly an experience! The general standard of the PLO8 on Sky is, in my opinion, abysmal. I'm not very good myself, but you see so many weird and wonderful plays in that 7:18 BH and it's amazing what people will do for a £1.88 bounty. Turns it into a right sh*thshow and who can smash the pot button the most. And obviously outdraws are pretty common in PLO8 anyway, so these Sky micro games are carnage.

    But I guess people enjoy the game of PLO8 and that's all that matters really.
    I used to quite enjoy DYMs in PLO8 as it was nuanced and fun, played when the B/H first started, there was quite a lot of the same people involved and it was good fun but I have totally given up on it as it has just become a pot mashing jamboree
  • radzer02radzer02 Member Posts: 141
    edited July 2023
    The comment....

    The hand.... Hilarious
    MagicMernSmall blind50.0050.002480.00
    Johnbo70Big blind100.00150.003927.50
    Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 3
    • 3
    • 8
    • A
    • 3
    • J
    • 2
    • 6
    • A
    • 7
    Johnbo70WinTwo Pairs, Aces and 3s5060.006557.50
  • MagicMernMagicMern Member Posts: 35
    PIPPYMAX said:

    someone please tell me how when i do the right play , i lose time and time and time and time and time again , please tell me how i have the inability to win an all in pre flop , please tell me how when i fish a flush or straight it never ever comes but when im on the wrong end of it comes in everytime for the opponent .. please tell me how there is no variance in my favour seems to be 90% against and 10% for me , i love playing poker but when i continue 2 be penalised time n time and time again and continue 2 be out of pocket from peoples bad calls and play it starts to get tedious , dont get me wrong i moan and complain im the 1st one to admit that but if u seen the state of my luck on this site and game you will see why , honestly feels like im playing with a handicap , worst of it is people dont even realise the fortune they get vs me or i get the mr cocky / mr arrogant players giving it the big one too , no idea what to do anymore with the game .. really dont know what i have ever done wrong to be treated the way i do by this software when all ive ever done is be a good customer for the past 10 odd years ... answers on a postcard .

    First i'll respond to the initial post - i've attached your sharkscope results, hope you don't mind me doing that.

    1. You are a winning player, with an ability of 73 on 6max sit n go which is where I know you from (anyone above 63/64 or so is a profitable player, but at 73, i would say you are a VERY profitable player in terms of ROI).

    2. As 2 regulars on the 6max sit n go tables, I would agree that you are a winning player, and also agree that you get your fair share of bad luck - as everyone does, but at ability 73 tbh you are talking a little bit out of your backside as that's a very high ability rating.

    3. Read the poker mindset by Matthew Hilger, I have read it and it may help you; i moan just as much as you do so it didn't help me much (!) but it might help you.

    If you do want lessons, as others have mentioned, I used to have a poker training site and offer lessons too.

    See you at the tables!
  • MagicMernMagicMern Member Posts: 35

    I have played many SNGs with you.... I kind of get what you mean BUT

    I'll be honest... I don't think I've ever seen you lose a flip & not comment about run bad. You are a winning player (IMO) but if you can't handle bad players playing bad & losing a few flips/70-30s vs them, then find a different hobby.

    Would you rather play a SNG vs 4/5 sharks & everyone play perfectly?

    Good comments by Goldenballz
  • MagicMernMagicMern Member Posts: 35
    radzer02 said:

    Hi Radzer,

    We have played a lot of games on the same tables (80 to be precise, and i've played 63 against Pikeydave and 10 against pippymax) so for you to say this is a bit of a mystery, as I would have thought you would be able to see that I register in every table when I am online - regardless of who is at the tables. You would have also witnessed Pikeydave knock me out regularly and vice versa - as you've been on the tables when this has happened; Sky will be able to see this their end too.

    1. This screenshot isn't proof of collusion - I said this comment AFTER he had made his decision - not before. I remember the hand - he said 'are you calling' - I ignored this (which was the right thing to do) the hand then played out (if I remember rightly he called and I folded). The conversation then continued (I say 'im glad you did call else he was back in the game'). This isn't collusion Radzer, and it's a shame you have publicly claimed it as such. Sky may or may not have the time stamp of the chat and actions (my guess is they do), but I would never reveal my intended action before someone had made their move - that is unethical at the poker tables. You have 'framed' the chat as collusion which is pretty shameful tbh.

    Furthermore, my sharkscope results show an ability of only 50 versus Pippymax (after 10 games) and 61 versus Pikeydave (if they are the same person - I have no idea) - both these scores show I lose to pippymax and am about break even against pikeydave - ergo they prove i am not in cohoots with either player.

    3. I see you have taken individual comments rather than the whole thread, do you have the whole thread for more context? - My guess is Dave was moaning from a bad beat and I responded 'that he is a good player but he gets mad a lot' which to be honest is just speaking the truth... again no proof of collusion at all just friendly advice to a fellow reg.

    3. The hand you posted obviously I was bluffing, and/or on tilt/rage, even so, I still think looking back at the hand you posted, a top player probably folds the weak ace.

    Furthermore, I apologise for any trash talking - I too struggle with mindset and when I lose to recreational players - or yourself (which has happened a lot too!) i go mad and moan, in a similar way to Dave which is why I found this thread interesting.

    Hope this helps others understand what happened, see you at the tables.
  • edrichedrich Member Posts: 1,922
    edited September 2023
    It really is disappointing how players come onto the forum with accusations of collusion with, in some cases, little or no proper evidence.

    Collusion really is very rare on Sky.

    If you see something suspicious at the tables, don't call it out at the tables, or on the forum. You might be wrong.

    Report it to sky, and in my experience it gets dealt with.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edrich said:

    It really is disappointing how players come onto the forum with accusations of collusion with, in some cases, little or no proper evidence.

    Collusion really is very rare on Sky.

    If you see something suspicious at the tables, don't call it out at the tables, or on the forum. You might be wrong.

    Report it to sky, and in my experience it gets dealt with.

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