Sigh.. I went to Aspers Stratford for only the second time in two years tonight, the games have been greatly reduced through lack of dealers and ended up with Albert to my immediate left. We chatted obout the good old days and were having a blast. Watched him do his usual thing for a couple of levels, crushing souls left right and centre but then getting a beat to put him less chips than me. B v B i have AK off, raise and a flat from Albert. AK2 flop and i check, Albert jams for 21k blinds at 100/300/300 ante, i snap as he could have anything as we all know.
He has AA

Was expecting some funky hand like Q2 as it is Albert.
O well, get you next time Albert.
What a lovely gentleman he is.
Anyone got any Albert Stories ?
Albert stories? Loads of them.
I was playing at Venetian in Vegas some years ago in a Tourney that started at 1pm.
Albert waddled up & took his seat next to me at 1.10pm, & I gently chided him for turning up 10 minutes late.
He said "Late? Do me a favour, this is my third MTT today, I already bust the 11am at Nugget & the Noon at Wynn".
Soon it was 4, as after quickly building a big stack on my table, he dusted it off in usual Albert style.
God bless Albert, what a great character. Genuinely nice man, too.
If you think he's a bit loose in Hold 'Em, you should try playing him in PLO, PLO8 or, God forbid, 5 card Big O.
He goes by the nick of "Honey Monster", as he's allegedly the UK's biggest importer of honey. Here's his company;
We chatted a lot about bees's tonight, global warning, killer hornets disease, etc, the other players were like "wtf these two chatting about"
One of the best.
I think it's a sad reflection on modern society, especially amongst poker players, to be so churlish about people that do well.
JohnMonty does quite nicely thanks to mental dexterity well above average, a skill you & I & most other poker players would give our right arm for. He's also quite inoffensive (unless crossed) & does not go out of his way to insult others. And yet you go out of your way to diss him. Poker players are very odd.
He was with us in Vegas & was huge fun, & immensely popular with everyone.
I'd not say I'm a member of his fan club, but I'd certainly not go out of my way to insult him & I'm not at all sure why anyone would especially those who don't even know him.
My post was in response to the comment you made;
"Pure bingo player, always behind but flukes it"
Which seems pretty churlish to me, & is of course quite untrue. Just because he plays a lot of tables does not make him a bad player. He just has an ability to reason, think & act faster & better than most of us. The DYM heavy hitters make most of their money via Rewards & Rakeback, it's a volume game. It's true that as our table count goes up, our efficiency goes down, we can't play 15 as well as we can, say, 1 or 2. But our HOURLY goes up, assuming we know what we are doing.
Anyway, fair play to you for standing your corner, & let's agree to differ & move on. I'm also happy to apologise if you feel I insulted you.
Incidentally - & I'm saying this to try to be helpful here;
"when in DYM's I try play Premium hands only"
I hold the view that it's impossible to be profitable in DYM's or any other fast-structured format by only playing premium hands. Put simply, there are not enough premiums to go round. And I say that as someone who was wedded for many years to playing premiums only. Eventually I realised it just does not work.
Anyway, GL at the tables.
Biggest bingo Fu Ck going. Woeful player, disgusting bitchy person
Take it you are chat banned with how much you have to say for yourself on the forum