this needs sharing.
Do not shoot the messenger.
Don't 'mock' anyone.
Fact is, ti's an MTT, 3 hours deep,FT (obviously 6 handed)
and the bubble, 6 left and pays 1 2 3 4 5.
Bubble went on for an eternity.
Excuse not exact player name spelllings, but close enough.
After 3 hours (12.00 midday)
Tourney stood ;
1.Shamrock 143k
2.Kawali 26k
4.angus 15k
5. pj 13k
6.At 12.02 with 1 big blind! the 'player' whom had the tourney all wrapped up and WON by 12.15!

Extra_Orinary stuff!
From 1 BB too 12 02 rivering a straight
Too cracking pocket AA & pocket QQ
and 12 02 again!
this is this player, was playing.............
'at' just prior 11. 55 rest break.
cracks pocket AA....
pocket 66 cracks pocket QQ...
Here are the full colour versions!
A peek at the players sharkee!
And that, will keep me chuckling threw ETERNITY 😂
The joys of MTTs; you’ll see another thread recently I posted when I got dumped out of 4 tournaments in 15 mins with some bad luck.
In the meantime I’m more than happy for you @misterpj to think that I’m just lucky and have zero clue as to what I’m doing. See you around mate!!
zero 'encounter' since, been a week +
Until 2day.
3 hours deep.
3 runners left!!!
Oh look, ti's gogoga_
pocket AA raa Raa RAISE, snap call and it's Poker Poetry...
A mere pocket A 9 suited Spades, flopping top & bottom & a, million. Lol
What's that in your pocket?
Oh it's @misterpj ! 💩
Cannot wait for the next installment.
I hope that there is some sort of happy ending 😁