"There was a good vibe around the tables last night, with that new PLO8 thing generating a lot of fun & comment, more of which later, but don't forget the PLO version (high only...) will debut on Saturday.
@MRMIAGI took the Main, less than 2 weeks & just 6 games since he ran 3rd in Sharpshooter Main. Previous headline wins include a Hitman Main (last August) & a UKOPS. Spare a thought for @HHACKNEY who has hit the post & the crossbar in 24 hours - 2nd in Wednesday's Main, 3rd in last night's Main.
The Mini FT was most interesting. @loololollo took the win, one of THREE wins last night - Mini, Turbo & Quickdraw. 2nd was one of THE great characters of Sky Poker, @GaryQQQwho is still running marathons not just in the UK, but across the world, & he has just won entry into the 2025 Japan Marathon. Has a wonderful record here, not just that famous £0 to £1,000 Challenge which he successfully completed, but over 14,500 games at an ABI of ~£3, he's made a profit of just over £1 a game. Stunning numbers. Big shoutout to @toonblazer too. Only joined Sky Poker last week, and from just 27 games played has already made the Mini FT twice - 6th in last week's Gold Rush, & 4th in last night's Hitman. The @NOSTRI heater continues - 5th in Mini, 4th in 9 @ 9, 5th in Reload, & won a Sheriff seat in a satellite. Seems to be much improved, or maybe just very lucky.
After a challenging 2nd half of 2023, @aynaricolis back on an upward trajectory, & after winning Sunday's renewal of the Rebuy BH she took down last night's 9 @ 9, & I believe she had a nice bink elsewhere too. On Sunday of course she cashed in the Stack Builder Freeroll for the 2nd straight week, & she also won a Sunday Major seat in the Freeroll on Sunday.
Finally, the new £400 guaranteed PLO8 debuted last night, & beat it's guarantee comfortably. After a lengthy battle, the man who first suggested it - Neil Channing @NChanning - took the win. It's a wonder the "it's rigged" brigade are not on the case already. A great effort too by @HENDRIK62 who was 2nd, & also ran 2nd in the regular £5.50 version which ran an hour earlier. @bbMike was a fine 4th. It was pleasing to see a few "strangers" who would not usually be on the site, amongst them one or two faces who are quite well-known in the wider poker world. @pompeynicplayed too, only the 2nd time we've seen him in 6 months. Don't forget, the PLO version (High only....) debuts on Saturday."
Once again a raft of televised top-class CL & domestic football impacted poker traffic, & whilst we largely got away with it on Tuesday there was no escape last night, with 6 MTT's missing guarantee by a combined £540, with the biggest culprit being the Mini at a £195 miss. Even the Main missed, albeit only by £100. Tonight should be better as the Europa & Conference League schedule does not have any big British teams, just mid-table mediocrity in the shape of Spurs, Man United & Rangers.
@smith1408 took the Main, & that's his 3rd featured MTT win already in 2025, plus he won a Sunday Major seat in a Freeroll. Been here 11 years & played over 39,000 games, & despite a modest Sharky rating (has to be wrong imo) is pleasantly profitable & always has been. After winning Tuesday's Gold Rush @newdaddy made a good dash at back to back Main Event wins but came up just shy in 4th. In 6th was @MynaFrett and we can't debate the merits of their Sharky Rating as they are not on it, but suffice to say they are very profitable indeed IMO.
@seikus, one of the most prolific winners on the Site, took the Mini, but when I did a little delving, I was shocked to see that it's their first Featured MTT win this year. Won 3 x £300 BH's & other bits & bobs bit no headline stiff. Unless of course my search abilities have failed me or, Heaven forbid, I've erred. I've had a lifetime crammed full of errs... In 2nd was @lukeylund9 - their best result so far in 2025 - with the previous week's Predator Mini winner @kalooki8 in 3rd. I had not previously realised that these days @kalooki8 ONLY plays the Mini, nothing else, & with 3 wins in the last 12 months it seems to be working out nicely. In 6th was @PKRPar & those with exceptionally long memories may even recall the days when he was competent, or nearly so.
Having already won 2025 renewals of Mega (twice) & Sheriff, @ozzieown added Sheriff last night. @podraic - winner of Monday's Main - was 2nd, with 3rd going to @drewett who won Summit 24 hours earlier.
The £800 BH was won by @Hawkinni & subscribers to the wonderful Main/Mini Leaderboard thread that @Slipwater is running will know that he's made the Top 20 of the Mini 6 times already in 2025 & so heads the Mini Leaderboard.
5 of the last 8 MTT's that @coolit215has played were 7 @ 7's though it's taken him 9 months to play his last 8 MTT's so it'll take a while before Sky Poker get rich off him. He booked the win last night though, so there's that.
By way of contrast, @blablabla is putting in a ton of volume & currently sits 3rd in the Sharky Sky Poker MTT "Count" for 2025. Doing Ok too, won last night's Rebuy BH, then much later won a £150 Turbo BH that started at 112pm & ran 2nd in another 11pm BH, a £300 this time. Seems to do particularly well at early evening stuff - 7 @ 7 & Rebuy BH etc. Maybe he mostly logs off after those & watches Strictly or Brookside.
Despite making a very healthy profit with a good ROI we don't see @Terrie in these threads very often, but he struck gold with a Mega victory last night allows me to right that omission.
@hendry1took Reload. I very much doubt it's him, but the "real" Hendry - Stephen Hendry, the Snooker Bloke - was a bit of a poker player back in the day & often polled up to the Sunday afternoon MTT's at Grosvenor Cardiff along with fellow snookerists Mark Williams & Matthew Stevens.
In 2003 in one of those dreadful "made for TV" affairs, he ran 5th in what, looking back, was a really star-studded bunch of assorted allsorts....
No disrespect, but the 1st & 2nd may have been the worst players I've ever shared a poker table with although Mr (Sir...) Sinclair was a lovely man, not so much John McCririck. (RIP both of them). 4th was Zak Goldsmith, aka Frank Zacharias Robin Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith of Richmond Park who now sits in the House of Lords thanks to darling Boris. I played a few private cash games in Grosvenor Square at which he was present, organised by a chap named Achilleas Kalakkis, but that's a whole other story, Achilleas was later detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure for, iirc, 18 years. In fact that's a whole book waiting to be written. In 8th was footballer Tony Cascarino who I got to know very well after we shared a FT at a €500 Sidey at the 2005 EPT Deauville, after which we both caught the same train home via Paris & we remain in contact to this day. Works for TalkSport these days.
Bit of an unplanned diversion there, sorry 'bout that.
Last night saw perhaps the toughest Quickdraw FT ever, with @wineli eventually getting the nod.
The remarkably consistent @ughx3000cx won MidEx, and has now won 5 Headline MTT's this month - 2 Megas, two MidEx's & a 9 @ 9.
I've rambled on a bit today, sorry about that.
Back tomorrow, same time, same place, less waffle.
No disrespect, but the 1st & 2nd may have been the worst players I've ever shared a poker table with although Mr (Sir...) Sinclair was a lovely man, not so much John McCririck. (RIP both of them). 4th was Zak Goldsmith, aka Frank Zacharias Robin Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith of Richmond Park who now sits in the House of Lords thanks to darling Boris. I played a few private cash games in Grosvenor Square at which he was present, organised by a chap named Achilleas Kalakkis, but that's a whole other story, Achilleas was later detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure for, iirc, 18 years. In fact that's a whole book waiting to be written. In 8th was footballer Tony Cascarino who I got to know very well after we shared a FT at a €500 Sidey at the 2005 EPT Deauville, after which we both caught the same train home via Paris & we remain in contact to this day. Works for TalkSport these days.
Bit of an unplanned diversion there, sorry 'bout that.
No apology needed. You should start a diary/write some books with all your stories you have had in the poker circuit.
Hi Tikay. I decided to have a little look at sharky since it has been a long time since I blocked my screen names and you got me wondering. For Sky I have a rating of 80 from a sizeable sample but with a still very modest ABI of ~£6 courtesy of playing many games between £2.20 and £5.50 for such a long period back in the day. Debate away.
When I blocked Sharkscope I began keeping my own detailed records of games played and profit/loss across all sites. What was immediately noticeable was the discrepancy between my own records and my Sky 'profit' according to Sharkscope. Tournament scores (including notable games from UKOPS) seem to be missing. Makes me wonder just how shy the proper big volume/big winning Sky players Sharkscope numbers are from reality. Anyway, that tilted me a little bit. I've put the block back on and I'll continue to just track my own results.
I'll echo the responses from MAX and Jammy - never apologise for the "waffle" and please write that book, or at least serialise it on the forum. I'm an infrequent and inconsistent visitor these days and I'll admit to not doing too much reading of the forum unless I get a notification, but I would go out of my way and find the time to get on and read that.
This might be premature but I've seen the rumours flying around that Sky poker might be joining the ipoker network this year. Whatever will be will be. If that does happen (or something like it) and it signals the end of the site as we know it along with the forum, then I'd like to say thanks for your informative and often entertaining efforts all these years.
This day last year
"There was a good vibe around the tables last night, with that new PLO8 thing generating a lot of fun & comment, more of which later, but don't forget the PLO version (high only...) will debut on Saturday.
@MRMIAGI took the Main, less than 2 weeks & just 6 games since he ran 3rd in Sharpshooter Main. Previous headline wins include a Hitman Main (last August) & a UKOPS. Spare a thought for @HHACKNEY who has hit the post & the crossbar in 24 hours - 2nd in Wednesday's Main, 3rd in last night's Main.
The Mini FT was most interesting. @loololollo took the win, one of THREE wins last night - Mini, Turbo & Quickdraw. 2nd was one of THE great characters of Sky Poker, @GaryQQQ who is still running marathons not just in the UK, but across the world, & he has just won entry into the 2025 Japan Marathon. Has a wonderful record here, not just that famous £0 to £1,000 Challenge which he successfully completed, but over 14,500 games at an ABI of ~£3, he's made a profit of just over £1 a game. Stunning numbers. Big shoutout to @toonblazer too. Only joined Sky Poker last week, and from just 27 games played has already made the Mini FT twice - 6th in last week's Gold Rush, & 4th in last night's Hitman. The @NOSTRI heater continues - 5th in Mini, 4th in 9 @ 9, 5th in Reload, & won a Sheriff seat in a satellite. Seems to be much improved, or maybe just very lucky.
After a challenging 2nd half of 2023, @aynaricol is back on an upward trajectory, & after winning Sunday's renewal of the Rebuy BH she took down last night's 9 @ 9, & I believe she had a nice bink elsewhere too. On Sunday of course she cashed in the Stack Builder Freeroll for the 2nd straight week, & she also won a Sunday Major seat in the Freeroll on Sunday.
Finally, the new £400 guaranteed PLO8 debuted last night, & beat it's guarantee comfortably. After a lengthy battle, the man who first suggested it - Neil Channing @NChanning - took the win. It's a wonder the "it's rigged" brigade are not on the case already. A great effort too by @HENDRIK62 who was 2nd, & also ran 2nd in the regular £5.50 version which ran an hour earlier. @bbMike was a fine 4th. It was pleasing to see a few "strangers" who would not usually be on the site, amongst them one or two faces who are quite well-known in the wider poker world. @pompeynic played too, only the 2nd time we've seen him in 6 months. Don't forget, the PLO version (High only....) debuts on Saturday."
Once again a raft of televised top-class CL & domestic football impacted poker traffic, & whilst we largely got away with it on Tuesday there was no escape last night, with 6 MTT's missing guarantee by a combined £540, with the biggest culprit being the Mini at a £195 miss. Even the Main missed, albeit only by £100. Tonight should be better as the Europa & Conference League schedule does not have any big British teams, just mid-table mediocrity in the shape of Spurs, Man United & Rangers.
@smith1408 took the Main, & that's his 3rd featured MTT win already in 2025, plus he won a Sunday Major seat in a Freeroll. Been here 11 years & played over 39,000 games, & despite a modest Sharky rating (has to be wrong imo) is pleasantly profitable & always has been. After winning Tuesday's Gold Rush @newdaddy made a good dash at back to back Main Event wins but came up just shy in 4th. In 6th was @MynaFrett and we can't debate the merits of their Sharky Rating as they are not on it, but suffice to say they are very profitable indeed IMO.
@seikus, one of the most prolific winners on the Site, took the Mini, but when I did a little delving, I was shocked to see that it's their first Featured MTT win this year. Won 3 x £300 BH's & other bits & bobs bit no headline stiff. Unless of course my search abilities have failed me or, Heaven forbid, I've erred. I've had a lifetime crammed full of errs... In 2nd was @lukeylund9 - their best result so far in 2025 - with the previous week's Predator Mini winner @kalooki8 in 3rd. I had not previously realised that these days @kalooki8 ONLY plays the Mini, nothing else, & with 3 wins in the last 12 months it seems to be working out nicely. In 6th was @PKRPar & those with exceptionally long memories may even recall the days when he was competent, or nearly so.
Having already won 2025 renewals of Mega (twice) & Sheriff, @ozzieown added Sheriff last night. @podraic - winner of Monday's Main - was 2nd, with 3rd going to @drewett who won Summit 24 hours earlier.
The £800 BH was won by @Hawkinni & subscribers to the wonderful Main/Mini Leaderboard thread that @Slipwater is running will know that he's made the Top 20 of the Mini 6 times already in 2025 & so heads the Mini Leaderboard.
5 of the last 8 MTT's that @coolit215 has played were 7 @ 7's though it's taken him 9 months to play his last 8 MTT's so it'll take a while before Sky Poker get rich off him. He booked the win last night though, so there's that.
By way of contrast, @blablabla is putting in a ton of volume & currently sits 3rd in the Sharky Sky Poker MTT "Count" for 2025. Doing Ok too, won last night's Rebuy BH, then much later won a £150 Turbo BH that started at 112pm & ran 2nd in another 11pm BH, a £300 this time. Seems to do particularly well at early evening stuff - 7 @ 7 & Rebuy BH etc. Maybe he mostly logs off after those & watches Strictly or Brookside.
Despite making a very healthy profit with a good ROI we don't see @Terrie in these threads very often, but he struck gold with a Mega victory last night allows me to right that omission.
@hendry1 took Reload. I very much doubt it's him, but the "real" Hendry - Stephen Hendry, the Snooker Bloke - was a bit of a poker player back in the day & often polled up to the Sunday afternoon MTT's at Grosvenor Cardiff along with fellow snookerists Mark Williams & Matthew Stevens.
In 2003 in one of those dreadful "made for TV" affairs, he ran 5th in what, looking back, was a really star-studded bunch of assorted allsorts....
How about THAT for a weird & wonderful line-up?
No disrespect, but the 1st & 2nd may have been the worst players I've ever shared a poker table with although Mr (Sir...) Sinclair was a lovely man, not so much John McCririck. (RIP both of them). 4th was Zak Goldsmith, aka Frank Zacharias Robin Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith of Richmond Park who now sits in the House of Lords thanks to darling Boris. I played a few private cash games in Grosvenor Square at which he was present, organised by a chap named Achilleas Kalakkis, but that's a whole other story, Achilleas was later detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure for, iirc, 18 years. In fact that's a whole book waiting to be written. In 8th was footballer Tony Cascarino who I got to know very well after we shared a FT at a €500 Sidey at the 2005 EPT Deauville, after which we both caught the same train home via Paris & we remain in contact to this day. Works for TalkSport these days.
Bit of an unplanned diversion there, sorry 'bout that.
Last night saw perhaps the toughest Quickdraw FT ever, with @wineli eventually getting the nod.
The remarkably consistent @ughx3000cx won MidEx, and has now won 5 Headline MTT's this month - 2 Megas, two MidEx's & a 9 @ 9.
I've rambled on a bit today, sorry about that.
Back tomorrow, same time, same place, less waffle.
£5.50 entry £800 Bounty Hunter (£895)
179 entries
@Hawkinni 358000 1 £121.94 + £49.61 Head Prizes 7
@DELDAVE 0 2 £73.17 + £21.94 Head Prizes 8@manster50 0 3 £44.75 + £15.68 Head Prizes 3
@mumsie 0 4 £35.13 + £19.66 Head Prizes 7
@STEVE5516 0 5 £29.98 + £14.53 Head Prizes 4
@oldcrock 0 6 £25.24 + £3.45 Head Prizes 1
£7.70 entry 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£700)
100 entries
@coolit215 200000 1 £97.83 + £51.29 Head Prizes 7
@glav66619 0 2 £59.67 + £17.16 Head Prizes 4@Sloppy33 0 3 £36.75 + £17.40 Head Prizes 4
@shdbet 0 4 £29.57 + £14.96 Head Prizes 4
@chkngeorge 0 5 £25.20 + £26.66 Head Prizes 7
@garstone07 0 6 £21.70 + £10.04 Head Prizes 2
£5.50 entry £1,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,215)
102 entries 84 rebuys 57 addons
@blablabla 600000 1 £169.80 + £102.56 Head Prizes 9
@Mars58 0 2 £103.58 + £62.14 Head Prizes 7@gavpidge 0 3 £63.79 + £42.43 Head Prizes 6
@Jonnyadams 0 4 £51.33 0
@davetlfc 0 5 £43.74 + £14.07 Head Prizes 4
@jrdrinkler 0 6 £37.66 + £28.13 Head Prizes 7
£33 entry £4,000 Predator Bounty Hunter (£4,000)
105 entries, 25 rebuys, £100 overlay
@smith1408 650000 1 £572.98 + £170.15 Head Prizes 4
@nslater112 0 2 £349.52 + £104.60 Head Prizes 7@loosecamel 0 3 £215.25 + £138.71 Head Prizes 5
@newdaddy 0 4 £173.22 + £186.80 Head Prizes 10
@Roopdog 0 5 £147.60 + £28.12 Head Prizes 2
@MynaFrett 0 6 £127.10 + £28.13 Head Prizes 2
£5.50 entry £1,250 Mini Predator (£1,250)
211 entries, £195 overlay
@seikus 422000 1 £194.06 + £79.12 Head Prizes 15
@lukeylund9 0 2 £115.82 + £34.54 Head Prizes 11@kalooki8 0 3 £69.07 + £15.07 Head Prizes 5
@richyshere 0 4 £54.33 + £23.37 Head Prizes 8
@crc0909 0 5 £46.24 0
@PKRPar 0 6 £38.73 + £21.59 Head Prizes 9
£22 entry £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,000)
47 entries, £60 overlay
@Terrie 470000 1 £196.10 + £142.79 Head Prizes 8
@silille 0 2 £116.60 + £19.68 Head Prizes 2@ormrod 0 3 £79.50 + £62.34 Head Prizes 7
@Super_Oli 0 4 £58.30 + £39.38 Head Prizes 5
@NChanning 0 5 £42.40 0
@Anna1234 0 6 £37.10 + £18.76 Head Prizes 2
£55 entry £1,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£1,000)
17 entries, 2 rebuys, £50 overlay
@ozzieowen 95000 1 £262.50 + £185.54 Head Prizes 5
@podraic 0 2 £157.50 + £69.14 Head Prizes 2@Ms2108b 0 3 £105 + £75 Head Prizes 4
@Drewett 0 4 £51.57 Head Prizes 2
@shad8604 0 5 £37.50 Head Prizes 2
@Super_Oli 0 6 0
£9.90 entry 9 at 9 Bounty Hunter (£750)
78 entries, £48 overlay
@AlexaAJ 234000 1 £115.71 + £76.96 Head Prizes 9
@FckwivKatz 0 2 £75.81 + £30.73 Head Prizes 6@snoxx11 0 3 £46.88 + £13.76 Head Prizes 3
@GSmith13 0 4 £37.91 + £5.27 Head Prizes 1
@ughx3000cx 0 5 £30.92 + £10.85 Head Prizes 2
@seikus 0 6 £25.93 + £7.81 Head Prizes 2
£3.30 entry £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,500)
172 entries 178 rebuys, 121 addons, £87 overlay
@hendry1 1305000 1 £216.23 + £61.71 Head Prizes 6
@Qazaasa 0 2 £129.74 + £49.85 Head Prizes 11@SuperDan20 0 3 £79.35 + £32.55 Head Prizes 6
@pete1 0 4 £62.29 + £13.43 Head Prizes 4
@fRAISEr84 0 5 £53.16 + £18.13 Head Prizes 4
@Hod4k997 0 6 £44.75 + £12.86 Head Prizes 3
£33 entry £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,230)
34 entries 7 rebuys
@loosecamel 205000 1 £246 + £178.88 Head Prizes 6
@Super_Oli 0 2 £153.75 + £55.02 Head Prizes 3@IamAll_En 0 3 £92.25 + £82.27 Head Prizes 6
@Bambus 0 4 £67.65 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1
@TIMBER 0 5 £55.35 + £59.06 Head Prizes 5
@balamar 0 6 £61.88 Head Prizes 5
£22 entry £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,020)
23 entries 13 rebuys 15 addons
@wineli 132000 1 £188.70 + £124.74 Head Prizes 4
@Zorro64 0 2 £127.50 + £36.73 Head Prizes 1@Drewett 0 3 £76.50 + £86.95 Head Prizes 4
@Super_Oli 0 4 £61.20 + £30 Head Prizes 3
@Swifteyyeu 0 5 £56.10 + £92.35 Head Prizes 6
@loololollo 0 6 £7.50 Head Prizes 1
£22 entry £800 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£860)
43 entries
@ughx3000cx 129000 1 £159.10 + £108.31 Head Prizes 6
@hayward000 0 2 £94.60 + £27.19 Head Prizes 2@Wend6464 0 3 £64.50 + £31.52 Head Prizes 3
@FINGERSNIN 0 4 £47.30 + £16.40 Head Prizes 1
@jas69 0 5 £34.40 + £36.10 Head Prizes 4
@conga38 0 6 £30.10 0
£5.50 entry £200 Omaha Hi-Lo B/Hunter (£290)
58 entries
@cestlavie 174000 1 £53.65 + £26.11 Head Prizes 4
@WHATABEAUT 0 2 £31.90 + £16.06 Head Prizes 5@Asho28 0 3 £21.75 + £10.02 Head Prizes 4
@skicowboys 0 4 £15.95 + £4.43 Head Prizes 1
@jthej 0 5 £11.60 + £1.88 Head Prizes 1
@smartca627 0 6 £10.15 + £10.33 Head Prizes 5
£1,000 Rewards Freeroll (683 entries)
Top 20
@jediwalker 1366000 1 £100
@GorgieJim 0 2 £60@flopandgo 0 3 £60
@Cjgxv 0 4 £40
@iceman904 0 5 £40
@Jonny00192 0 6 £30
@poooop 0 7 £30
@FRANK100 0 8 £30
@johnnyy 0 9 £30
@Audrey 0 10 £20
@ShazLFC 0 11 £20
@-Stuey- 0 12 £20
@unforgiven 0 13 £20
@PopeBrian1 0 14 £20
@CuriousG 0 15 £20
@demon_666 0 16 £20
@onahigh 0 17 £20
@Snoo 0 18 £20
@Fredrick27 0 19 £20
@lillies61 0 20 £10
Sunday Major Freeroll (174 entries)
@dutchpip09 182877.50 1 £10,000 Sunday Major
@Mickyrob 109373.75 2 £10,000 Sunday Major
@scotmore09 55748.75 3 £10,000 Sunday Major
No disrespect, but the 1st & 2nd may have been the worst players I've ever shared a poker table with although Mr (Sir...) Sinclair was a lovely man, not so much John McCririck. (RIP both of them). 4th was Zak Goldsmith, aka Frank Zacharias Robin Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith of Richmond Park who now sits in the House of Lords thanks to darling Boris. I played a few private cash games in Grosvenor Square at which he was present, organised by a chap named Achilleas Kalakkis, but that's a whole other story, Achilleas was later detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure for, iirc, 18 years. In fact that's a whole book waiting to be written. In 8th was footballer Tony Cascarino who I got to know very well after we shared a FT at a €500 Sidey at the 2005 EPT Deauville, after which we both caught the same train home via Paris & we remain in contact to this day. Works for TalkSport these days.
Bit of an unplanned diversion there, sorry 'bout that.
No apology needed. You should start a diary/write some books with all your stories you have had in the poker circuit.
When I blocked Sharkscope I began keeping my own detailed records of games played and profit/loss across all sites. What was immediately noticeable was the discrepancy between my own records and my Sky 'profit' according to Sharkscope. Tournament scores (including notable games from UKOPS) seem to be missing. Makes me wonder just how shy the proper big volume/big winning Sky players Sharkscope numbers are from reality. Anyway, that tilted me a little bit. I've put the block back on and I'll continue to just track my own results.
I'll echo the responses from MAX and Jammy - never apologise for the "waffle" and please write that book, or at least serialise it on the forum. I'm an infrequent and inconsistent visitor these days and I'll admit to not doing too much reading of the forum unless I get a notification, but I would go out of my way and find the time to get on and read that.
This might be premature but I've seen the rumours flying around that Sky poker might be joining the ipoker network this year. Whatever will be will be. If that does happen (or something like it) and it signals the end of the site as we know it along with the forum, then I'd like to say thanks for your informative and often entertaining efforts all these years.