@chrisdonkb just lost a monster pot when he flopped 2 pair v Aces only for an Ace to turn.
Think that leaves him with around 8BB.
It's amazing how often he goes deep in these things. Us mere mortals need the cards to be kind, but players like him don't need good cards, they find a way somehow.
@chrisdonkb is fighting like a good 'un & is back above 200,000 now.
Having said that, blinds are 8k/16k-16k, shortly to go 12k/24k-24k, so that's 60k per orbit to pay the rent and with them currently playing 7 handed 200,000 does not last long. Basically he's in one move territory.
First hand after the break, Lappas went for it with K-Q (her had around 10 BB) & deep-stacked fella made a good call with A-7, & it blanked out, so we lose Lappas.
Good effort with the commentary with limited Sky interest left.
Think that's Marc Bryant with the white shirt and glasses in the photos. Is he still in?
Played with him locally a few times.
Yes, it's not easy but it is what it is. I'm seriously tired, been on the go since 8am, so fingers crossed the players get busy, I really could do without a 2am finish.
Bad news.
@chrisdonkb just lost a monster pot when he flopped 2 pair v Aces only for an Ace to turn.
Think that leaves him with around 8BB.
It's amazing how often he goes deep in these things. Us mere mortals need the cards to be kind, but players like him don't need good cards, they find a way somehow.
Absolute rush of exits, 22 left now.
Still looking at a 9pm (at best) FT & well into the early hours before we are done.
Unless there is a miracle...
@chrisdonkb is fighting like a good 'un & is back above 200,000 now.
Having said that, blinds are 8k/16k-16k, shortly to go 12k/24k-24k, so that's 60k per orbit to pay the rent and with them currently playing 7 handed 200,000 does not last long. Basically he's in one move territory.
@Sky__James is OUT.
Think he got £730 for his troubles.
19 left.
@chrisdonkb has ~70,000 (3Bb) & makes his move with 4-4 & Lappas looks him up, as he must, with K-Q.
The 8-9-10 flop was a bit scary but the 4's held & Chris survives.
@chrisdonkb & Lappas tangle again, this time Chris has 9-9 & Lappas A-3.
We see a 3 on the flop but after that it ran out safe & Chris has doubled again.
That leaves Lappas very short, & with 19 left we'll break to 2 tables very soon.
Another exit means they are breaking to two tables.
The last remaining young lady just departed after running A-Q into Q-Q (the case Queen turned up on the board too).
17 left.
@chrisdonkb gets it all-in with 10-10 v A-K but a pesky K flops & it's all over.
Another tremendous effort by Chris.
15 left.
Players now on a 20 minute break.
OK, battery charged to 40% & play has resumed.
Last hand before the break we lost Jeff Duvall.
First hand after the break, Lappas went for it with K-Q (her had around 10 BB) & deep-stacked fella made a good call with A-7, & it blanked out, so we lose Lappas.
13 left, & that includes @PRhack93 who as far as I know is the sole remaining Sky Poker regular. I could be wrong though.
Blinds now 16k-32k/32k.
Photos to follow.
@PRhack93 is the one in the lumberjack shirt.
Masked Man is the man in the mask...
I missed the action but we just lost another, so 12 left.
12th, 11th & 10th all get £1,600, the next ladder is 9th who will get £2,050.
Think that's Marc Bryant with the white shirt and glasses in the photos. Is he still in?
Played with him locally a few times.
Yes, still in, got about 900,000, which is ~28 BB
Yes, it's not easy but it is what it is. I'm seriously tired, been on the go since 8am, so fingers crossed the players get busy, I really could do without a 2am finish.
Was chatting with @Shrimpy28 and unfortunately missed another exit.
11 left.