Cheers for the updates @Tikay10 was a fun comp, being FT bubble boy always frustrating but done well to get ITM 35 left with like 8bb to get to 10th. that AA hand on the pure bubble was a sweat though! those pesky AA cost me a bit later on vs 22 with 2 on river final 2 tables. then lost a couple standard preflop spots but its part of the game. Hopefully the SPT's will continue on after the ipoker move!
Just got a slightly concerning email from metgaming, the owners of the Brighton Rendezvous Casino.
States that "we have made the decision to temporarily close Rendezvous Casino in Brighton...we appreciate your support as we explore the possibility of reopening."
At the previous SPT Brighton in November, I was chatting with one of the dealers, and they said then that the Casino was going to shut, because a lot that area is being redeveloped...... with the Casino and Hollywood Bowl (at least) being flattened.
They were talking about the Casino being relocated more into town...... the local players will know a lot more about it.
They get it AIP with Q-2dd (Isufi) v Q-6cc (Masked Man) & the door card is a deuce.
The crowd are on the pitch but a 6 rivers & Masked Man doubles up to 2 million.
It's all over now. Definitely.
It all goes in pre, Masked Man has A-J, Isufi has A-Q, & he flops his Queen.
9th place Joe Cameron £2,050
8th place Kartik Kartik £2,580
7th place Si Tun £3,280
6th Place Marc Bryant £4,100
5th place Ian Fumasaal (sp?) £4,920
4th place Bally Pottiwal £6,310
3rd place Alex Smith £7,750
2nd Axat "Masked Man" Malwi £11,640
WINNER Faail Isufi £16,920
A very worthy winner he was too.
Thanks to all those who read the Updates, & especially those who interacted.
And on that happy note, I'll bid you goodnight.
.....and the 'Man in the Mask' too
Thanks for the updates Tikay!
States that "we have made the decision to temporarily close Rendezvous Casino in Brighton...we appreciate your support as we explore the possibility of reopening."
They were talking about the Casino being relocated more into town...... the local players will know a lot more about it.