Just wanna say what an excellent tournie.
Really liked the field size and the fact that most of the runners were regulars. It made for a far more interesting dynamic and the entire tournie played in a totally different way because of it.
Freechips1 was a worthy champion, so well done him. ciaranco23 deserves a mention too for coming 6th and cashing 700. You really hung on for so long....and he got into the tournie for free by getting his entry via the League Freeroll too!!!
Got to tip my hat off to phil12uk for his massive, massive fold fairly early on with KK.
Excellent show too, good stuff from LM and Ed. Most of the hands shown tonight were of interest, and had some genuine thought process behind them, as opposed to the usual ones where everything is pretty standard. Although most of the chat on my table seemed to focus on LMs dress, and everyone was pretty annoyed by the presence of a certain clipboard.....:p
So yeah more tournies like this one please Sky. I think that if you can do more tournies where the field is capped, thus making it more exclusive, then that would be a very good thing,
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Made the right choice with the KK laydown but couldn't then find a good spot to get the chips back and I'm glad u put them to good use Scotty!!!
Well played Freechips - u never got that bad beat to bust u then!
Also, special mention to Ed, Lisa and Clipboard
The analysis of hands and hands shown were much better than the usual 'impact hands' and I bet helped more new players learn skills than watching bh shovefests and luckyrivers.
I'm definitely going to play in this again and I'd advise as many people as possible to try and satelitte in.
I was a bit disappointed to come 7th, but with the big payouts at the top, I had to push for the win. Maybe pushed too hard and ended up having great fun trying to hang on to reach the cash with a tiny stack.
First: 17/6/2009
Last: 22/4/2010
First time Ive ever watched the whole live show on sky poker, when Ive not been involved.
I normally catch the repeat throughout the day, when theres nothing on, but couldnt
take my eyes off this. WP to the above names, and plays, but I don't think anyone has
mentioned the runner up yet, he was my pick for his play on the bubble, relentless
positional raising, torturing the short stack, Ciaron, who somehow hung on....Im not sure
what happened heads up...but wp that man.
Nice to see Scotty and Penguin up there again, I really dunno how you can me SO consistent
in MTT's....its amazing how u r ALWAYS in the mix....
Yeh very gud stuff to watch - may attempt to qualify for the next one as it would be even
better the be involved.....
Final wd to freechips, talk about changing gears, nobody was doing anything, so decided to
nock the last 8 players out himself, haha. £20 at 50/1 - call it £100
Be good to see you in the next one, you keep telling us that your tourny game isnt good enough. It is... I watched you come 2nd in Velocity the other night. I think you should play the Dantb10 on Sunday too, you belong in top class fields like this !
I reakon LM borrowed that clipboard off of Orford, it stayed erect most of the night
i have been on a bit of a bad run the past week so was due a bit of luck. i did get my share of luck, my KJ vs nutters AK and my AK vs KK.
i would like to thank sky for putting on such a great tourney with a very good structure, i hope we can have the same tourney every month.
did i realy take out the last 8 players? wish it was a bounty hunter, lol
i dont think ed giddins clicked on that their was 2 freechips in the same comp.
There was a very high standard of play throughout this tournament, I hope its an every month event too, well played freechips1, you are right I didnt click on that there were two "freechips" but Im sure you took out 8th 7th 5th and 4 th obv you took out 2nd, I cannot remeber you assasinating 3rd as well but either way it was a pretty destructive performance. Nice work.
How I was wrong. Absolutely fantastic tournament! One thing that I did like going in was the blind/chip stack structure. It was great viewing, with lots of great poker, one that I personally believe any fan of poker could have sat back and enjoyed.
It changed my mind on the buy in level, and number of runners. The tournament came across as something that was really special, and something that will give people the hunger to play in.
I really hope this continues, as I can see many more players looking to the satelites to get into this great tournament.
Congratulations Sky, well done to Freechips1, and great job on the presenting front.
Cheers JJ, btw in that jq hand do you ever fold considering if you do double up the oppo hes then a threat or do you take a chance to get heads up with a 7-1 chip lead ?
Great show, thanks Ed for basicly telling everyone right at the start of the show to keep raising me!! Was hoping I would get to use that to my advantage but the key hand for me was AK, vs JJ which I didnt hit and bust out.
Well played to freechips1 who won and well played to hurst who owned me live on TV. (I blame Ed for that 1).
Thinking back yes its too tight a fold.