Hi guys and gals,
This is a small reminder that Ed and DP have opened up the second hour of the Sunday Night Open to answer any questions that you might have on poker strategy.
It's their aim, to get you all thinking and more importantly talking about ways to improve your game. I've set up a thread in the poker strategy section of the forum titled "FAO DP and ED" for you to post hands that you want to discuss and any game theories that you may want to employ, but aren't quite sure how!
This is your opportunity to talk poker - so please get involved!
Aisling xxx
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Hi 'Ling,
We poker players are notorious "last-minute merchants", & I'm sure, come Sunday, there will be zillions of questions.*
* Allows for artistic licence. Assume at least 6.
So that no one can miss it!
Cheers Grimstar - unfortunately i have to find the hands, therefore the earliest prep is the best ....
Mike's hands were played on a 10 seater table, which we are unable to illustrate on screen - so unfortunately i'm having to be picky! Although i'm currently trying to ascertain how to discuss said hand without actually showing it.... Such is life ;-)
Would love to have some of your hands on the show! - So if you have any questions you'd like to ask please post!
I haven't played enough in the past few days to have any hands to worry about. Will be playing the deepie on friday (oh that is a 10 seater
Well done on the World champs by the way Aisling.
I posted a hand on How would you react.
This was on a 10 seater so i know you cant show it but, how about putting it in words and getting ED to explain how to play it in the context of the deepstack and a faster paced tourny.
Hi Col,
I've actually been looking at that hand as it is easier to discuss than say mike1975's - what a cooler - so UL.
If i do use the hand can i ring you, so that you can discuss your thought processes on the show?
thats not a problem.
You'd never know i had been stuck on the SAW ride for 3 hours the day before at noon. I had massive sunburn all over my face and looked like a fried tomato - the make up lady was, frankly, amazing!
Sadly i missed out on the don't grin like a maniac gene - hey ho - thanks for that ;-)
So we should all go to theme parks with mal-functioning rides, that was your secret! or perhaps too much sun is the key!?
Im 100 metres from Bournemouth beach, will test that out now and try to win the deepie on Fri ! If I lose or get sunstroke I know whom to blame lol
Edit: Hand was number 185154618
Flopped straight so checked it, hoping for either someone to catch top pair /two pair or set and bet
I think my error was the 1k bet on the turn as someone (the villain) will call this to see possible flush on river. Which it turns out they missed but hit their higher straight.
The villains big bet putting me all in on the river, I view as a possible bluff - They missed their flush draw and the bet to represent the higher straight. With me holding the 2nd highest hand I feel I have to call.
Don't know if this hand on a final table of £50 scary tourney is worth looking at? Just wondering if I'm too cautious after the bet made by oppenent with worse cards it turns out. Hand number is 184715678
I've just had a look at this hand and i'm not sure your quite right imo.
after the preflop betting there is more than 50% of your remaining stack in the pot. At this stage, with your chip stack, I would push allin. Why, well you are holding the nuts at this point, but by checking you are giving free cards to anyone.
You called a bet for your stack anyway but you could have secured a stack of 10000.
The big stacks imo werent going to go away for what you had left, when you put the 1000 bet on the turn.
If you had a 26000 stack you could afford to play it the way you did, but maybe, with a short stack and on a final table, subtlety is not required.
These hands are how we improve and next time if you push and the same happens then so be it, but at least youve given yourself 2 ways to win.
But then we'll see if anyone agrees or not with my assessment.
Hope you and Alan are well, hope we meet at a live event(somewhere in the middle of the country haha).
Thanks for the advice
It was my day off yesterday, so if you wondered why i was a tad quiet - that's the reason! Promise to find both hands - and if the computer says "yes" they'll be on the show..
It'll be during hour 2 - and there is still plenty of time for more hands to be added...
RE Grimstar - sunstroke is most definitely the way forward - it makes you completely unreadable lol