Thanks again for the seat tomorrow. I didn’t realise the competition would bear such a responsibility, but I’ll nominate MereNovice as a joint-winner. Posted by FlutNush
Thanks again for the seat tomorrow. I didn’t realise the competition would bear such a responsibility, but I’ll nominate MereNovice as a joint-winner. Posted by FlutNush
Thanks again for the seat tomorrow. I didn’t realise the competition would bear such a responsibility, but I’ll nominate MereNovice as a joint-winner. Posted by FlutNush
Hi Mr Nush,
I can confirm that both you & MerePlonkey have been Reg'd for tonight's TSP Classic.
Good luck to you both.*
* By "both", I only mean you really. He does not need luck, he runs too good. He killed me in a shocker with a binkety-bink runner-runner perfect-perfect miracle-miracle runner-runner hit & hope scoopio last night in Omaha Hi-Lo Cash. Not that I'm bitter, like.
In Response to Re: A little something to amuse. Free TSP Classic Entry to the winner. : Hi Mr Nush, I can confirm that both you & MerePlonkey have been Reg'd for tonight's TSP Classic. Good luck to you both.* * By "both", I only mean you really. He does not need luck, he runs too good. He killed me in a shocker with a binkety-bink runner-runner perfect-perfect miracle-miracle runner-runner hit & hope scoopio last night in Omaha Hi-Lo Cash. Not that I'm bitter, like. Posted by Tikay10
You should be careful Mr. Fish; I could always post the hand. I was sooooooo far ahead that I couldn't even see you with binoculars. I even missed my FlutNush draw and still won the hand.
Thanks again to FlutNush for the prize. I'll see you on the final table. Tikay will be there too, anti-railing obv.
In Response to Re: A little something to amuse. Free TSP Classic Entry to the winner. : You should be careful Mr. Fish; I could always post the hand. I was sooooooo far ahead that I couldn't even see you with binoculars. I even missed my FlutNush draw and still won the hand. Thanks again to FlutNush for the prize. I'll see you on the final table. Tikay will be there too, anti-railing obv. Posted by MereNovice
I’ll bet you come to the table with your usual super-human powers, such as: maths, binkage, common sense, skill... pot odds... maths... and even more binkage.
Seeing as I’m a Texas Hold ’Em legend (don’t laugh, my iPhone agrees), this tournament should’ve been a walk in the park. Now you’re in the mix, I may well have to cancel the registration; go and rail HuFlungNeil; and exchange recommendations on the best ‘one-handed web sites’ know to humanity (a conversation we never seem to resolve amicably).
I’ll be honest, I'm not looking forward to this freebie as much now.
Say what?
I've long been an admirer of your posts on this forum and I am very happy to accept this prize.
My only "complaint" is that you don't post more; this forum is much the better for your contributions.
So what night would you like to play the TSP Classic, Mr MereMiddleSetIsNoGoodAtOmahaNovice?
Anyway, any proper player would have folded top set on that flop.
I'd like to play at the first available opportunity, please.
My diary seems to be clear all this week.
I can confirm that both you & MerePlonkey have been Reg'd for tonight's TSP Classic.
Good luck to you both.*
* By "both", I only mean you really. He does not need luck, he runs too good. He killed me in a shocker with a binkety-bink runner-runner perfect-perfect miracle-miracle runner-runner hit & hope scoopio last night in Omaha Hi-Lo Cash. Not that I'm bitter, like.
I was sooooooo far ahead that I couldn't even see you with binoculars. I even missed my FlutNush draw and still won the hand.
Thanks again to FlutNush for the prize. I'll see you on the final table. Tikay will be there too, anti-railing obv.
I was there izzit
Good Luck to Vince and Flutty tonight innit