In Response to Re: Fancied a Break Now Back With A Newborn Baby : N1 TK THIS IS WHY WE LOVE SKYPOKER , LOVELY COMMUNITY FEEL TOO IT . Posted by IRISHROVER
Thank you Dennis, nice of you to say so.
We ARE the Community, us, the players, & it is as good or as bad as we want it to be. When trolls & suchlike niggle away like a dripping tap they erode the feel-good factor, so it's up to all of us to keep the place bright & cheery, with plenty of fun.
It's like the relationship between a wife & hubbie, sometimes they have to work at it, to keep it bright & fresh. Note, I've never been married.....
We ARE the Community, us, the players, & it is as good or as bad as we want it to be. When trolls & suchlike niggle away like a dripping tap they erode the feel-good factor, so it's up to all of us to keep the place bright & cheery, with plenty of fun.
It's like the relationship between a wife & hubbie, sometimes they have to work at it, to keep it bright & fresh. Note, I've never been married.....
I hear that the first eighteen years are the worst.
You'll have to start playing wearing headphones so you can't hear the crying from the 'iccle one ;-)