Right guys Ive just got myself a job at Gatwick Royal mail centre. Good times seeing as ive been out of work for like a year which has sucked. I will now be stopping my claim for JSA not this wednesday but next one, so when I sign off I ill get my £131.00 plus I do believe I get a "job grant" of anothjer £100 (nice innit).
Annnnnnnnnnnnnyway im thinking of sticking that extra £100 on on sky poker and giving myself a nice BR to play around with............maybe play some 10nl and a mix of sit and goes £5 ones!
Hhahaaha I know this is a very degen thing to do and thats not what the moneys for. But I just do not care to be fair!
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Hence why they took on loadsa people innit
I was saying i didnt care about the money i was just saying that i dnt care that its my job seekers money. I believe in mself when im am strict at BRM. I have proved to myself IF a big IF i stick to BRM and do not tilt my nutsz off then im fine! so thats what im going to. I am actually quite a good player when i want to be and when im in the right frame of mind.
I don,t know what the xtra money is for - coming off JSA. But most ppl i know just blow it on going out and stuff , so if you think you can use it as an investment on pker then GL
i,d give it some serious consideration and listen to ppl like Dohh and other winning players
i heard a pro saying recently , that he now spends more time reading up on the game and studying it , rather than actually playing
i think thats quite a good idea and to the ppl who say practise , practise and more pratise, well just go in for lowstakes deepstacks for a start and see how you get on
Thats what i,d do anyway
Cheers yeah, that what im going to do actually build a roll and play properly and not try and make money over a couple of hours. I was even thinking bout small DYMs like 1£/2£ ones just for the nice feeling of my roll going up. I know I can beat these easyand would be able to knock out like 30 aday easy 4 tabling which if im playing 2£ ones then getting 60£ is allgood (obv if i win them all). But yeah im gunna try and be a normal player and grind away ive tryed to make it rich in a few days it just doesnt work. So npow im gunna give in and grind away.
If you were to use that £100 thats every one paying for you (tax payers)
i wouldnt do it. but either way no one will know if you have done it or not.
lol was wondering how long it would take for someone to mention that. well if I do turn a nice amount then I ill thank you all!
Put it this way its like im being staked by the tax payersz lol, ill ship 1p to every meber on this site.
another great article from JJ, Root i would say skip DYM have a go at 2.20 they are so easy at the mo(obv when im not in them) so many bad players and that way your be more profitable. last couple of days i played 6, won 3, 2nd in other 3 so it is as easy as that! obviously need a bit of luck but if you know the basics and are ok at stt go for